Problem: Quicksort verification Contact: Jeremy Gow Date: 4/28/2000 ================================================================= For definitions see Quicksort verification: forall l:(list nat). (sorted (qsort l)) forall l:(list nat). x:nat. (occ x (qsort l)) = (occ x l) Two theorems about foldleft: forall o1,o2:(t->t->t). l:(list t). x,y,z,a:t. (o1 a x) = (o2 x a) and (o1 (o2 x y) z) = (o2 x (o1 y z)) -> (foldleft o1 a l) = (foldright o2 a l) forall o:(t->t->t). l:(list t). x,y,z,u,e:t (o x e) = x and (o (o x y) z) = (o x (o y z)) -> (o u (foldleft o e l)) = (foldleft o u l) A theorem about divide and conquer functions: forall f:(t -> t). b,x:t. l:(list t). n:nat. (f b x) = x -> (bin_dc f b l) = (foldright f b (foldright app nil (map (map (f b)) (split n l))))