EXERCISE, ADBT introductory lecture ----------------------------------- Suppose you are a DBMS, and that all the relations queried below are very large (residing on external memory). How would you process each one of them? 1. SELECT * FROM Movie WHERE studioName = 'Disney' AND year = 1990; 2. SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM Movie WHERE studioName = 'Disney') WHERE year = 1990; 3. SELECT name FROM Movie, MovieExec WHERE title = 'Star Wars' AND producerC = cert; 4. SELECT Ships.name, displacement, numGuns FROM Ships, Classes, Outcomes WHERE (Outcomes.ship = Ships.name) AND (Classes.class = Ships.class); 5. SELECT * FROM Movie WHERE studioName LIKE 'D%' AND year>1980 AND year<1990; 6. SELECT * FROM Movie WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Movie M WHERE M.year > Movie.year);