// Example 39 from page 31 of Java Precisely second edition (The MIT Press 2005) // Author: Peter Sestoft (sestoft@itu.dk) class TLC { // top-level class static int sf; int nf; static class SMC { // static member class static int ssf = sf + TLC.sf; // can have static members int snf = sf + TLC.sf; // cannot use non-static TLC members } class NMC { // non-static member (inner) class int nnf1 = sf + nf; // can use non-static TLC members int nnf2 = TLC.sf + TLC.this.nf; // cannot have static members } void nm() { // non-static method in TLC class NLC { // local (inner) class in method int m(int p) { return sf+nf+p; } // can use non-static TLC members } // cannot have static members } // According to the Java Language Specification, 2nd edition, // section 8.1.2, every local class is an inner class, and thus // static members are disallowed in local classes, even inside // static methods: static void sm() { // static method in TLC class SLC { // local class // static int ssf = 78; // cannot have static members } // cannot use non-static TLC members } } class Example39 { public static void main(String[] args) { TLC.SMC sio = new TLC.SMC(); TLC.sf = 10; TLC oo = new TLC(); oo.nf = 5; TLC.NMC io1 = oo.new NMC(); System.out.println("io1.nnf1 = " + io1.nnf1); oo.nf = 7; TLC.NMC io2 = oo.new NMC(); System.out.println("io1.nnf1 = " + io1.nnf1); System.out.println("io2.nnf1 = " + io2.nnf1); } }