Interface IIndexedSorted<T>

A collection where items are maintained in sorted order together with their indexes in that order.


IEnumerable<T>, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.IFormattable, System.ICloneable, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>, ICollection<T>, ICollectionValue<T>, IDirectedCollectionValue<T>, IDirectedEnumerable<T>, IExtensible<T>, IIndexed<T>, ISequenced<T>, IShowable, ISorted<T>

Implemented by

GuardedIndexedSorted<T>, SortedArray<T>, TreeBag<T>, TreeSet<T>

Method overview

CountFrom(T bot) ,
CountFromTo(T bot, T top) ,
CountTo(T top) ,
FindAll(Fun<T,bool> predicate) ,
Map<V>(Fun<T,V> mapper, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<V> comparer) ,
RangeFrom(T bot) ,
RangeFromTo(T bot, T top) ,
RangeTo(T top)

Method details

A int CountFrom(T bot) Determine the number of items at or above a supplied threshold.
Returns:The number of matcing items.
bot:The lower bound (inclusive)
A int CountFromTo(T bot, T top) Determine the number of items between two supplied thresholds.
Returns:The number of matcing items.
bot:The lower bound (inclusive)
top:The upper bound (exclusive)
A int CountTo(T top) Determine the number of items below a supplied threshold.
Returns:The number of matcing items.
top:The upper bound (exclusive)
A IIndexedSorted<T> FindAll(Fun<T,bool> predicate) Create a new indexed sorted collection consisting of the items of this indexed sorted collection satisfying a certain predicate.
Returns:The new indexed sorted collection.
predicate:The filter delegate defining the predicate.
A IIndexedSorted<V> Map<V>(Fun<T,V> mapper, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<V> comparer) Create a new indexed sorted collection consisting of the results of mapping all items of this list. /ThrowsSystem.ArgumentException if the map is not increasing over the items of this collection (with respect to the two given comparison relations).
Returns:The new sorted collection.
mapper:The delegate definging the map.
comparer:The comparion relation to use for the result.
A IDirectedCollectionValue<T> RangeFrom(T bot) Query this sorted collection for items greater than or equal to a supplied value.
Returns:The result directed collection.
bot:The lower bound (inclusive).
A IDirectedCollectionValue<T> RangeFromTo(T bot, T top) Query this sorted collection for items between two supplied values.
Returns:The result directed collection.
bot:The lower bound (inclusive).
top:The upper bound (exclusive).
A IDirectedCollectionValue<T> RangeTo(T top) Query this sorted collection for items less than a supplied value.
Returns:The result directed collection.
top:The upper bound (exclusive).