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Shortcut: Alt+Pd5_`xabcLabel12&Phone:o35_6A9`cmdeIfn,"";"";"";"";"10";"510"critDateTable/QueryqryCalendarAny 0;567"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure](The date the guest is expected to arrive. May be: "any". Format: day-month-year. Shortcut: Alt+A Toggle with: Shift+Arrow up and Shift+Arrow downdd/mm/yyd5_`xabcLabel14&Arr23-10 23-10Ctl23_10OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7W` a8bceQk 24-10 24-10Ctl24_10OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7]`a8bceQk};VBE;&H00000000 [Workspace] Form_AsciiTransform=0, 0, 0, 0, C Form_InitCalendar=0, 0, 0, 0, C Form_frmBreakfastList=0, 0, 0, 0, C Form_frmFindStay=176, 176, 757, 542, Z Form_frmServiceList=0, 0, 0, 0, C Form_fsubStayRooms=0, 0, 0, 0, C Form_frmRooms=0, 0, 598, 30, Form_fsubRoomGrid1K[=88, 88, 478, 470, C Form_fsubStayList=0, 0, 0, 0, C modCommon=66, 66, 260, 448, C Form_fsubStayServices=132, 132, 416, 514, C modMenues=44, 44, 238, 426, C Form_fsubBreakfastList=0, 0, 0, 0, C Form_frmStay=29, 25-10 25-10Ctl25_10OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7`aqbceQk 26-10 26-10Ctl26_10OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7U`a8bceQk 102, 786, 718, C Form_fsubRoomGrid2=110, 110, 500, 492, C 2, Form_AsciiTransformForm_AsciiTransformForm_InitCalendarForm_InitCalendarForm_frmBreakfastListForm_frmBreakfastListForm_frmFindStayForm_frmFindStayForm_frmServiceListForm_frmServiceListForm_fsubStayRoomsForm_fsubStayRoomsForm_frmRoomsForm_frmRoomsForm_fsubRoomGrid1Form_fsubRoomGrid1Form_fsubStayListForm_fsubStayListmodCommonmodCommonForm_fsubStayServicesForm_fsubStayServicesmodMenuesmodMenuesForm_fsubBreakfastListForm_fsubBreakfastListForm_frmStayForm_frmStayForm_fsubRoomGrid2Form_fsubRoomGrid2yForm_fsubRoomGrid2Form_fsscriB>ResuP E?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ImExSpecsxϺxϺ(ZDWGHYGLKFPYYDACXMMMKVETCXNL: K[tWTMDYDJXJEIIBEMZFXPD_ZNXNDGK: VPBQQUHCNVVWXDAESQYGIAEWOXEJ:*G_IUIJMEBOMBNQXDNDKHKIDPEPBOHL:,      !"#$%&()*+,-./`abdef RXSSGFCAESBDDEOSFHJH_TYHISKN:zIBZDUVHIDMIWIEZBLKCSKJYPNCDM: IUVDYBGHISTCEEWUVZZVITKBUISC:GATUZFNZCUJWFESPDNXLBKRNKUKD:33Today is:h 1W2F`abPcThicmdFind&Find guest "[Event Procedure]Find guests that match what you entered. Shortcut: Alt+F or Enterd5` aqbceLabel36Find guest fromͬ[u Pi9K&FormHeaderd &Room_LabelRoom Labeld &Beds_LabelBeds Labeld &price1_L029=Babc"e g%hijP(kJjg @Find guest"[Event Procedure] Arial8 h MMF'0X@Mt  4d,XA4dMxMWNF'BRSTꕤ` yy pX7 '''' ,@'''' K[P'   ^"      !#$%&'()+,/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXe_a`cbd0wxyz{|}~0* pHdhotelsys,@ Z= n ?&\ J< DAO>BDAOP *\G{00025PE01-0C  0046}#5.0#0#C:\Program Files (x86)\Common\Microsoft Shared\}\dao360.0dll# 3.6 Object LibraryKWstdole>istdole5`h^`04V3^Y-`2`Windows\SysWOW64\22.tlb#OLE Autom`ation0VBIDE> VBIPDEDÀDE157D5.3RVBA\6E6EXT.OLBTVisual Basic for Applic2s Extensibility @!@-"e@Form_AsciiTransdArialdArialdArial dy$Arial0' ENGLISHPRIVMFC-J985DW?! 'slauesen K[PC611038d_##NOUSE##__ITUHGCTE#>USB002"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]d2hbcghMS Sans Serifm45=bg[o2;ej[p57bc` Detailm7]8L`maTbccritName"[Event Procedure]\Any part of the name will do. Shortcut: Alt+Ld5]`xaYbc Label3&Last name:8Any part of the name will dop3U`qa8b!cdsubStayList"Form.fsubStayListh 1]2E`ambQcThi cmdNewGuestN&ew guest ..."[Event Procedure]Create a booking for a guest who has never been recorded. Short-cut: Alt+Eh 1]2G`ambOcThi cmdGuestHistory&Guest history"[Event Procedure]dFind all bookings for the guest. Short-cut: Alt+Gd5`qaqbceLabel15Find guest fromm7]8Y;`aTbckcritStay"[Event Procedure]zIf you look for a particular booking number. Shortcut: Alt+Yd5]` aTbcLabel17Sta&y No.:m78M;`a6bckcritRoom"[Event Procedure]Looking for the guest in this room at a given night. Shortcut: Alt+Md5` a6bHcLabel19Roo&m No.:h 1_2R`abOcThi cmdReset&Reset criteria"[Event Procedure]fReset all search criteria. Short-cut: Alt+R or Esch 1]2S`abQcThi cmdOpenStay&Show stay ..."[Event Procedure]zShow details of the selected stay. Short-cut: Alt+S or Enterh 1W2N`abQcThi cmdNewStay&New stay ..."[Event Procedure]Create a new booking for a guest already recorded. Short-cut: Alt+Nm7_8T`ma6bckcritAddr"[Event Procedure]bAny part of the address will do. Shortcut: Alt+6, 718, C Form_fsubRoomGrid2=110, 110, 500, 492, C 492, C 2, Form_AsciiTransformForm_AsciiTransformForm_InitCalendarForm_InitCalendarForm_frmBreakfastListForm_frmBreakfastListForm_frmFindStayForm_frmFindSt K[ayForm_frmServiceListForm_frmServiceListForm_fsubStayRoomsForm_fsubStayRoomsForm_frmRoomsForm_frmRoomsForm_fsubRoomGrid1Form_fsubRoomGrid1Form_fsubStayListForm_fsubStayListmodCommonmodCommonForm_fsubStayServicesForm_fsubStayServicesmodMenuesmodMenuesForm_fsubBreakfastListForm_fsubBreakfastListForm_frmStayForm_frmStayForm_fsubRoomGrid2Form_fsubRoomGrid2yForm_fsubRoomGrid2Form_fsscriB>ResuP E?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~-YZ[\f_a`cbd0ghijklnopqrstuwxyz{|}~AMJQUFGQZLJOXDYRFVNXLPGZCKKN:R BIYKKONXEEEQHEFHPEPDDEFEMUGN:TQCVXOLSDQOXIEEFWMGTMSTWGIB_: 9COFCGGBPMMOLDEEXSHROBLDWSNFB: lGQSRKQBLBHZIMDEBKRPLLJFBXDHRM: tFKMXTJIXOJCHRDIUBEKILFBVEKZI K[:YQCZORABHLQERHEMEIWVULSABBMBI:G_CYDVLYFEVRCRVDKIGCSLGEPCMSKM:,mG& F`rm_Asci@TransDfD BHJFMPHBYKKUGEOQICBJDFJVE@IGN28AHJFMP@BYK@UGVOQ@YCZJZF V@jINB@ 1¾BE,3e"(B+B7InitCalendarG 7I3i@C6Ana96QTAVNKMEQAVYCEOVIWVSJUYXUNV"D6QTHV*N3M-QYC`OVWSUXU nV& w frmBreakfastListG*A&7*fm*r@iak6a`7tL`9lMXZHCPHNRTGAODPPICQR_L@WSOFXBMPXZ0C7NTRGOPU`IQ_ WSO =X?7Ա7F yStayGZ F6S8ayTNUIVVEWIJDXODAYTPi123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZ[\]^_cabdgefhjkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~HQH_KFVZOKLUT@1U4V4ElW OXYU`H SH `KV OBDAOP *\G{00025PE01-0C  0046}#5.0#0#C:\Program Files (x86)\Common\Microsoft Shared\}\dao360.0dll# 3.6 Object LibraryKWstdole>istdole5`h^`04V3^Y-`2`Windows\SysWOW64\22.tlb#OLE Autom`ation0VBIDE> VBIPDEDÀDE157D5.3RVBA\6E6EXT.OLBTVisual Basic for Applic2s Extensibility @!@-"e@Form_AsciiTransmG& F`rm_Asci@TransDfD AMJQUFGQZLJOXDYRFVNXLPGZC@KKN28AMJQUFGZLOX@WYR@VN@LPZCK@NBH@1¾`B,Q3e"B(B+1B7InitCalendarG 7I3Zi@C6Ana96BIYKKONXEEEQHEFHPEPDDE`FEMUG6YU+O0EEEHFPPHF`M@ G & Vw frmBreakfastListG*A&7fm`Xr@iak6a`7t`/iTQCVXOLSDQOXIEEFWMGTMSTWGIB_7TCV3JO`SQa7IE`7W;GTUSW 8I_I7?7Ա7F yStayG F S6S8ayCOFCGGBPMMOLDEEXSHROBLDWAKPEKD0E rO?6Sӿ x_fD(6;aw_f&9(5RX SSGFCBDDEOSFHJH_TYHISKK[mR@S,GACS D E`SPoCT07H S'm;_ &modSG2m&d0#'nBZDUVHIDMIWIEZBLKCSKJYPNhCDMS'I !BU& D@IRPE@3BCCKYnNP1_'A! x'k4?OA-kA;PE5IU VDYBGTCEEWUVZZVITKBUISC DB2PI 1NE5W@)\ZIDK`S  v'? y'Mpenue 16M[n Oe&NGATUZFNZCUJWFESPDNXLBKRNKUKuT Z$NCJFAMMZL KTU&Di  13@2@@@2T'CUCHDCBGXZLVIEVMBGNTMQIRQH5wQ C>DqLbEPAGPyT(1RBHP @@վoNX( B,04EABpNeijUEGNALEQEBHHEETHPHCVLZQWE'UP Ap4EP EpHp'TpPpV@A^jVZ0W0' OAA`8`Ӓ Q[SKCAIYEIEFBT@(LJRCFJS`QYIWRtBaKCUNI4E E(B@3(LARQsj1DR ;  V I{ y x_fD(6w_f&9(5HIGLYNBRIZX exa  *\G{000204EF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#4.2#9#C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA7.1\VBE7.DLL#Visual Basic For Applications*\G{4AFFC9A0-5F99-101B-AF4E-00AA003F0F07}#9.0#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSACC.OLB#Microsoft Access 16.0 Object Library(*\G{00025E01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#5.0#0#C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll#Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#C:\Windows\System32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automationf*\G{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#5.3#0#C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6\VBE6EXT.OLB#Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3?&\  e8BHJFMPHBYKKUGEOQICBJDFJVEIGN01638ddba6%&Form_AsciiTransforme8QTAVNKMEQAVYCEOVIWVSJUYXUNVD02638ddba6M"Form_InitCalendare8MXZHCPHNRTGAODPPICQR_LWSOFXB03638ddba6m*Form_frmBreakfastList0?8TNUIVVEWIJDXODAYTHQH_KFVZOKL04638ddba6 Form_frmFindStayH,68ZDWGHYGLKFPYYDACXMMMKVETCXNL05638ddba6E&Form_frmServiceListڵ`38WTMDYDJXJEIIBEMZFXPD_ZNXNDGK06638ddba6I$Form_fsubStayRoomsmx48VPBQQUHCNVVWXDAESQYGIAEWOXEJ07638ddba6{Form_frmRooms G8IUIJMEBOMBNQXDNDKHKIDPEPBOHL08638ddba6 $Form_fsubRoomGrid1S8RXSSGFCAESBDDEOSFHJH_TYHISKN09638ddba6 "Form_fsubStayList;8IBZDUVHIDMIWIEZBLKCSKJYPNCDM0:638ddba6RK[modCommon 8IUVDYBGHISTCEEWUVZZVITKBUISC0;638ddba6'*Form_fsubStayServicese' 8GATUZFNZCUJWFESPDNXLBKRNKUKD0<638ddba64modMenues8CUCHDCBGXZLVIEVMBGNTMQIRQHKL0=638ddba6K$Form_fsubRoomGrid2o S8UEGNALEQEBHHEETHPLVIHCVLZQWE0>638ddba6M,Form_fsubBreakfastList8 8SKCAIYEIEFBTPDNLJRCFJSQYIWRM0?638ddba6Form_frmStayP;p 0HP8x\638dbb62M,Form_fsubBreakfastList8 8VMKFRNEEIKEGTDOTZTGWIBMLAYLC0?638dbb62Form_frmStayP;pPH8 0x`dbJK7q?_WHTNnW<9QRKG_gO rI.dFe cHC0V*MTh*^b$H.xKB޽)=ފcnR(8(`($ ". 4P B6: " N  p$,*08@(H(p(:   0 " 8 @ H (P (x l 6!H!P! 0X!J! ! ! !" " " &("<P"$"F"#L# X# h# x## #8#*#R$`$$$ $ Form frmStay`X]? Determines what views to refesh after sending keys to XRefresh `'^op]DELETE * FROM tblStayRooms; ^B@b   jINSERT INTO tblStayRooms ( FirstOfdate, CountOfdate, roomID, roomType, personCount, price, total, stayID) iSELECT First( AS FirstOfdate, Count( AS CountOfdate, tblRoom.roomID, 4tblRoom.type AS roomType, tblRoomState.personCount, @IIf([personCount]=1 And [price2]>0,[price2],[price1]) AS price, mIIf([personCount]=1 And [price2]>0,[price2],[price1])*Count( AS total, tblRoomState.stayID MFROM tblRoom INNER JOIN tblRoomState ON tblRoom.roomID = tblRoomState.roomID WHERE tblRoomState.stayID= ! GROUP BY tblRoom.roomID, tblRoom.type, tblRoomState.personCount, IIf([personCount]=1 And [price2]>0,[price2],[price1]), tblRoomState.stayID, XIIf([personCount]=1 And [price2]>0,[price2],[price1]) ORDER BY First(;'r r ^B@b !bB@o]Xp]]] !f$ !h$DYou must fill in at least the guest name and the first address line. A8|k "N KT   z%G|jK Error message made: Select room  R!T )You can only book guests into the future. $JSelect another period. A8|k !  z%G|jH" Error message made: Room not free KTCThe guest is booked already. Do you want to give him one more room? n p $8 DG|j   z%G|jK Error message made: Select roomdate tblRoomStatetblRoomState.stayID= !0$$j'ddate tblRoomStatetblRoomState.stayID= !0$$l'h  d  h .There cannot be gaps in the total stay period. $J+Select another period or make two bookings. A8|k !  z%G|jH" Error message made: Room not free KTThis booking is checked in. $J Do you want to undo the checkin? n p $8 DG|j*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState where [stayID]= K[!;'r r ^%`.@ @!V @B@X  @)N @B@j @B@\ @B@BS e.g. checked out or cancelledThis stay cannot be booked. A8|xnp  (N v x ` b '^ B@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d- Saves the guest and the stay, calls Xrefresho]H`]x]] !f$ !h$DYou must fill in at least the guest name and the first address line. A8|k "N KT   z%G|jK" Error message made: Select a room  R!T#You can only check guests in today. $J(Book instead or select a room from today A8|k !  z%G|jD" Error message made: Room not free !n6You have not chosen a paymethod. Check with the guest. lA8|XkP KTdate tblRoomStatetblRoomState.stayID= !0$$j'd d R!T#You can only check guests in today. $J0You may have to change the booking for the guest A8|hk` !n6You have not chosen a paymethod. Check with the guest. lA8|k*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState where [stayID]= !;'r r ^%`.@ @!V @B@X  @)N @B@j @B@\@ @B@B KTGThe guest is checked in already. Do you want to give him one more room? n p $8 DG|j   z%G|jK" Error message made: Select a roomdate tblRoomStatetblRoomState.stayID= !0$$l'h  R!T !You can only check in from today. A8|k  h )There cannot be a gap in the stay period. A8|xkp !  z%G|jD" Error message made: Room not freeS e.g. checked out or cancelled"This booking cannot be checked in. A8|n  (N v x ` b '^ B@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d- Saves the guest and the stay, calls Xrefresho]8P]h] !f$ !h$DYou must fill in at least the guest name and the first address line. A8|k "N KTdate tblRoomStatetblRoomState.stayID= !0$$j'd d R!T $The guest has been checked in today. $JCDo you want to check him out and give him an invoice for one night? n p $8 D2Do you want to cancel the stay without an invoice? n p $8 DG|j  (N# Cancel the staydp R!T'h- Free the rooms from tomorrowk8d0 R!T 'h- Free the rooms from todayk !n !N 6You have not chosen a paymethod. Check with the guest. lA8| kx !N GXAt this point the system would print the final invoice. This test system prints nothing. lA8jJ Delete any remaining days from the stay, set invoiced days to checked out*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState WHERE [stayID]= !;'r r ^%`.@ @!V @"Z h @B@X  @)N @B@jd @B@tk @B@\ @B@BS ?You can only check guests out if they are currently checked in. A8|P nH !N G  (Nj+" Stay may have been canceled above v x ` b '^ B@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@K[d- Saves the guest and the stay, calls XrefreshoP  !N CYou can only print invoice outlines for guests that are checked in. A8| k VAt this point the system would print a draft invoice. This test system prints nothing. lA8o`  !N 5You can only print confirmation letters for bookings. A8|k\At this point the system would print a confirmation letter. This test system prints nothing. lA8oxPC Hidden button activated through SendKeys after changing RoomStates0 The me.record may have been saved thru +{enter}] ^ v  frmRooms$G zBj ^ x   frmFindStay$G "v " Bj !N $ !x!(z !N $ !x!(| !N $ !x!(~ ^ G !x!B@j ^ `GAFj ^ bG B@2j'^o`" Name and address may have changed   frmFindStay$G Bjo0 !N !f$ !h$' G Please close the unfinished stay lA8jihG OpenArgs: -1 existing stay; 0 New guest; >0 guestID for existing guest T (P X  (N Temporary booking X  (v( Connect to existing guestd ) Create a dummy guestkHk@'^ !N $ !x!(z !N $ !x!(| !N $ !x!(~ (z) Prevent user creating more than one stayAF !x!B@ B@2oH]x] !N' May be deleted later !N Temp stay record%You must select a room for the guest. $JWant to cancel instead? n p $8 D'p* Stay in the form - user must select rooms|0k(* Delete the Stay record - has been updated#select * from tblStay where stayID= !; ^%`.@ @!V @B@t @B@\p @B@BkX Check that guest is meaningful:    New guest with temporary stay !f$ !h$#Do you want to keep the guest data? n p $8 rG|jkx%select * from tblGuest where guestid= !; ^%`.@ @!V @B@t @B@\x#p# @B@Bd/ Existing guest or new guest with non-temp stay !f$ !h$G|jCYou must fill in at least the guest name and the first address line A8'p Cancel the close.kx"op"h"Attribute VB_Name = "Form_frmStay" Bas0{EF2CB1A9-59D8-11D6-8769-0863@94B13} |G lobalSpacFalse dCreatab"lTru Pr@edeclaId"Expose_TemplateDerivCustomizD$'   Option CompI< D] Elicit Dim observe As Integer ' Determines what views to refesh af sendin g keyXRefrBPub!2 SubtO 2(64) @=E EnFd updHRoomList(+/sASngCurrentDb.Exec"DELETE * FROM tbls;@ sINSERT INTO ( FirstOf ,Uunr#ID, Type, personCo rictotal, sID) " & _+A"S(tCTC('&(te.A) ASP  *.E) t@.AG1DC!4 IIf([H]=H1 A@p[p>20]>0,1]4,C *T"/JC1%D!0 ANER JOINA2 O+G - WHEREJ .=a*MeC GROUP BY%9d.7, *6?*0* 5??ORD +@k6sMysf%ubSy2s.RequerycmdBoPok_C@kefztlast#a a! r"Recordse|If IsNull(txt) OrAdd@s1) ThenCall MsgBox("You m fiin @lethe gue@na qKAcac l.", vbExK[mań!ExitC`If'#Select CMe!"tBcAg`NotG"6getP`od(", 0l, t @iError message madxe: d!7< modppmon.siml can only b@#s inouture.A;Chr(10)E ;"ano0ra`iodOG^eq$(hc-edM_R PeT  g')4&is"al dy. Do y)wantRg han orer?'YesNo +`(Q+0)Tvb@/Jo$o$o$o$o$,k$2$?= DMin("x "^I]aty"0")6.!pDMa=tebcp9A 27B+pQ!G02#bFap1 1v_R/1?2;2 1=ake two$s3; 3QYJp"3 3O 33' 3IH[@G32Acheck3inD4undoin3^3*\a{B*@0!whe[ ID] >"5ySet 0n= zOpeno(s8.WhiӁrs.EOFg;1d5rs!p@ =NUnMoveNex;$wW@gClOSrElp' e.g. out).celledA<1q w1cedo,'+,B"uSat`At*suGridA0TuFind=+ uAQqPaAFocus-To t`7ceZ modCommonp.simRWcan only checkTs @Ztoday." & Chr(10)@"Bookstead (sGC% from \A!]B^Q8useTID, cInOPA nffrepCPaymethod = 0!aNhavechHose p.LASwithBCInfM@JBLE}ÝbedG= DMin("d1"tbl`te.)&=㢏+ 1  1cbe a gapQ"GBp}  6" \] !snnb n‚n C b1El' e.g./out|acellyeTh3W24?aCSIte*VBobser8= uGrid6 uFindn+ 2uLiPric} MFoc$usPTopke mrreceQ=keysSEK ("+{0Per}%x")S~sgf P0 s XreshL a  vpx cmdCQ_Click( Ur ZR& %)9a0xa+Q1 __PteNNNio_8 %ghas be3ӳm\_q"j "j<6kinvop1!lnigh~tkk =anC22+aE/]/nAC'*j[Nq'\ Fb Q~sUmoPw\-PhFԷ1A KA9IHn Then  Call MsgBox("You have not chosen a paymethod. Check with the guest.", vbInform@ation) Exit Sub*@End IfIf Me.state = cI Atqis poin e system wo@uld prfinal inv`oice.4t/sphing^' DeleIany remain days fromZ@y, set9dtoed (outusp"SELECT * FROM tbl RoomSWH ERE [+ID ]=" &yID";"%S:r(CurrentDb.Open@RecordI(sWhile Nvrs.EOFA`rs!DA`<= lastA Ћ di56! CqOI=.U pd@KElse{KC.` L M@oveNexH%Wend-Cl@ Case Ncan onlyusAv ify are c'a ~inCExclaNjƁS@>c0C' ̀Z ' y mayC,be@-cd ab@Gobser@|= uGrid + uFind`!QListyPr@h MFocus@ To ke`VcceiC` akeyscS/K ("+{Ser}%x")A`sg" a@:#aaN, c@s XrefreshL " vCaT cmdntAccount_Click($^&<>f!F7that=߿< A=a draf)Confirm)Book-}*c# te b @se@7(a P)|)ub P!ASW(!^HiddrbuttoctiaYd`rough e70c3|_.u`GHp.showNewQO`(Me![0x.Hw,PwlPwEW4ubASSQs.Q.AllowAdpxIIf .pIn, TruFapnboԑ 2 m ^E AQ ; )#RequeryOB!qeDB 0^ceVaQ@l0obg`abAfF(!hNameRgadJd@fsw4chP7etP1//m/'>20'$lvc SDFunA`Bc1K[OKum@y&0 Or IsNullatxtA)^*1)(0]Ple 2{uanish_{_Q{ k{!Load! ' Args: -p1 ex!Oq; 0 :Cw; >>0`!c; #P) Sim2= s CLng() >=;k,tAaUemporaryUiv)mZ(D `unS KEpInq*= "'0 Crea ummy puz1 ϯAAKK, KO8POKayTwK3ůT X PHrev` u c%moe & H |N?._Unl1.CanawInteger8y0xF{z F=2^*' M`be dt`8lp!~r.A ,<- record  If MsgBox("You must select a room for the guest." & C@hr(10)"Want to cancel instead?", vbYesN(o +Qtio0n) =(Th,enC<= True ' S8tayJu}m - user sBExit SubEnd I"  D  ` h p Px   t  PX` Dp D ( 8 H X hx  jFPP 0  8 @HHP &0  20Jh " R`h  p P  T" 0 @H 2P  D z PD  8 H X h x f ' DteMY*has been updateSet rsTCurrentDb.OpenRset("!* frtbl+where "s]ID=MeF.;")GWhile No20.EOF rs.U MoveNext WenSClose v 'eck uat is meaningf`ul: fArg80 AJ|0= 0 e@_Newwith temporary6C!0(IsNull(:txtName) Or JAddress1))A;Do ywĒkeepBkB fa/W0uG CuB"idu[|ł.ID]xxls7strgn knon-l jt )Callofiin Nlea IF nB aKAfiraA linebExclamat_cCac].^_b~ F"#     N(0 H82J( "08RHd " (D8j "P 6X>R(8(`($ ". 4P B6: " N  p$,*08@(H(p(:   0 " 8 @ H (P (x l 6!H!P! 0X!J! ! ! !" " " &("<P"$"F"#L# X# h# x## #8#*#R$`$$$ $ Form frmStay`X]? Determines what views to refesh after sending keys to XRefresh `'^op]DELETE * FROM tblStayRooms; ^B@b   jINSERT INTO tblStayRooms ( FirstOfdate, CountOfdate, roomID, roomType, personCount, price, total, stayID) iSELECT First( AS FirstOfdate, Count( AS K[CountOfdate, tblRoom.roomID, 4tblRoom.type AS roomType, tblRoomState.personCount, @IIf([personCount]=1 And [price2]>0,[price2],[price1]) AS price, mIIf([personCount]=1 And [price2]>0,[price2],[price1])*Count( AS total, tblRoomState.stayID MFROM tblRoom INNER JOIN tblRoomState ON tblRoom.roomID = tblRoomState.roomID WHERE tblRoomState.stayID= ! GROUP BY tblRoom.roomID, tblRoom.type, tblRoomState.personCount, IIf([personCount]=1 And [price2]>0,[price2],[price1]), tblRoomState.stayID, XIIf([personCount]=1 And [price2]>0,[price2],[price1]) ORDER BY First(;'r r ^B@b !bB@o]Xp]]] !f$ !h$DYou must fill in at least the guest name and the first address line. A8|k "N KT   z%G|jK Error message made: Select room  R!T )You can only book guests into the future. $JSelect another period. A8|k !  z%G|jH" Error message made: Room not free KTCThe guest is booked already. Do you want to give him one more room? n p $8 DG|j   z%G|jK Error message made: Select roomdate tblRoomStatetblRoomState.stayID= !0$$j'ddate tblRoomStatetblRoomState.stayID= !0$$l'h  d  h .There cannot be gaps in the total stay period. $J+Select another period or make two bookings. A8|k !  z%G|jH" Error message made: Room not free KTThis booking is checked in. $J Do you want to undo the checkin? n p $8 DG|j*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState where [stayID]= !;'r r ^%`.@ @!V @B@X  @)N @B@j @B@\ @B@BS e.g. checked out or cancelledThis stay cannot be booked. A8|xnp  (N v x ` b '^ B@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d- Saves the guest and the stay, calls Xrefresho]H`]x]] !f$ !h$DYou must fill in at least the guest name and the first address line. A8|k "N KT   z%G|jK" Error message made: Select a room  R!T#You can only check guests in today. $J(Book instead or select a room from today A8|k !  z%G|jD" Error message made: Room not free !n6You have not chosen a paymethod. Check with the guest. lA8|XkP KTdate tblRoomStatetblRoomState.stayID= !0$$j'd d R!T#You can only check guests in today. $J0You may have to change the booking for the guest A8|hk` !n6You have not chosen a paymethod. Check with the guest. lA8|k*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState where [stayID]= !;'r r ^%`.@ @!V @B@X  @)N @B@j @B@\@ @B@B KTGThe guest is checked in already. Do you want to give him one more room? n p $8 DG|j   z%G|jK" Error message made: Select a roomdate tblRoomStatetblRoomState.stayID= !0$$l'h  R!T !You can only check in from today. A8|k  h )There cannot be a gap in the stay period. A8|xkK[p !  z%G|jD" Error message made: Room not freeS e.g. checked out or cancelled"This booking cannot be checked in. A8|n  (N v x ` b '^ B@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d- Saves the guest and the stay, calls Xrefresho]8P]h] !f$ !h$DYou must fill in at least the guest name and the first address line. A8|k "N KTdate tblRoomStatetblRoomState.stayID= !0$$j'd d R!T $The guest has been checked in today. $JCDo you want to check him out and give him an invoice for one night? n p $8 D2Do you want to cancel the stay without an invoice? n p $8 DG|j  (N# Cancel the staydp R!T'h- Free the rooms from tomorrowk8d0 R!T 'h- Free the rooms from todayk !n !N 6You have not chosen a paymethod. Check with the guest. lA8| kx !N GXAt this point the system would print the final invoice. This test system prints nothing. lA8jJ Delete any remaining days from the stay, set invoiced days to checked out*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState WHERE [stayID]= !;'r r ^%`.@ @!V @"Z h @B@X  @)N @B@jd @B@tk @B@\ @B@BS ?You can only check guests out if they are currently checked in. A8|P nH !N G  (Nj+" Stay may have been canceled above v x ` b '^ B@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d- Saves the guest and the stay, calls XrefreshoP  !N CYou can only print invoice outlines for guests that are checked in. A8| k VAt this point the system would print a draft invoice. This test system prints nothing. lA8o`  !N 5You can only print confirmation letters for bookings. A8|k\At this point the system would print a confirmation letter. This test system prints nothing. lA8oxPC Hidden button activated through SendKeys after changing RoomStates0 The me.record may have been saved thru +{enter}] ^ v  frmRooms$G zBj ^ x   frmFindStay$G "v " Bj !N $ !x!(z !N $ !x!(| !N $ !x!(~ ^ G !x!B@j ^ `GAFj ^ bG B@2j'^o`" Name and address may have changed   frmFindStay$G Bjo0 !N !f$ !h$' G Please close the unfinished stay lA8jihG OpenArgs: -1 existing stay; 0 New guest; >0 guestID for existing guest T (P X  (N Temporary booking X  (v( Connect to existing guestd ) Create a dummy guestkHk@'^ !N $ !x!(z !N $ !x!(| !N $ !x!(~ (z) Prevent user creating more than one stayAF !x!B@ B@2oH]x] !N' May be deleted later !N Temp stay record%You must select a room for the guest. $JWant to K[cancel instead? n p $8 D'p* Stay in the form - user must select rooms|0k(* Delete the Stay record - has been updated#select * from tblStay where stayID= !; ^%`.@ @!V @B@t @B@\p @B@BkX Check that guest is meaningful:    New guest with temporary stay !f$ !h$#Do you want to keep the guest data? n p $8 rG|jkx%select * from tblGuest where guestid= !; ^%`.@ @!V @B@t @B@\x#p# @B@Bd/ Existing guest or new guest with non-temp stay !f$ !h$G|jCYou must fill in at least the guest name and the first address line A8'p Cancel the close.kx"op"h"Attribute VB_Name = "Form_frmStay" Bas0{EF2CB1A9-59D8-11D6-8769-0863@94B13} |G lobalSpacFalse dCreatab"lTru Pr@edeclaId"Expose_TemplateDerivCustomizD$'   Option CompI< D] Elicit Dim observe As Integer ' Determines what views to refesh af sendin g keyXRefrBPub!2 SubtO 2(64) @=E EnFd updHRoomList(+/sASngCurrentDb.Exec"DELETE * FROM tbls;@ sINSERT INTO ( FirstOf ,Uunr#ID, Type, personCo rictotal, sID) " & _+A"S(tCTC('&(te.A) ASP  *.E) t@.AG1DC!4 IIf([H]=H1 A@p[p>20]>0,1]4,C *T"/JC1%D!0 ANER JOINA2 O+G - WHEREJ .=a*MeC GROUP BY%9d.7, *6?*0* 5??ORD +@k6sMysf%ubSy2s.RequerycmdBoPok_C@kefztlast#a a! r"Recordse|If IsNull(txt) OrAdd@s1) ThenCall MsgBox("You m fiin @lethe gue@na qKAcac l.", vbExmań!ExitC`If'#Select CMe!"tBcAg`NotG"6getP`od(", 0l, t @iError message madxe: d!7< modppmon.siml can only b@#s inouture.A;Chr(10)E ;"ano0ra`iodOG^eq$(hc-edM_R PeT  g')4&is"al dy. Do y)wantRg han orer?'YesNo +`(Q+0)Tvb@/Jo$o$o$o$o$,k$2$?= DMin("x "^I]aty"0")6.!pDMa=tebcp9A 27B+pQ!G02#bFap1 1v_R/1?2;2 1=ake two$s3; 3QYJp"3 3O 33' 3IH[@G32Acheck3inD4undoin3^3*\a{B*@0!whe[ ID] >"5ySet 0n= zOpeno(s8.WhiӁrs.EOFg;1d5rs!p@ =NUnMoveNex;$wW@gClOSrElp' e.g. out).celledA<1q w1cedo,'+,B"uSat`At*suGridA0TuFind=+ uAQqPaAFocus-To t`7ceZ modCommonp.simRWcan only checkTs @Ztoday." & Chr(10)@"Bookstead (sGC% from \A!]B^Q8useTID, cInOPA nffrepCPaymethod = 0!aNhavechHose p.LASwithBCInfM@JBLE}ÝbedG= DMin("d1"tbl`te.)&=㢏+ 1  1cbe a gapQ"GBp}  6" \]K[ !snnb n‚n C b1El' e.g./out|acellyeTh3W24?aCSIte*VBobser8= uGrid6 uFindn+ 2uLiPric} MFoc$usPTopke mrreceQ=keysSEK ("+{0Per}%x")S~sgf P0 s XreshL a  vpx cmdCQ_Click( Ur ZR& %)9a0xa+Q1 __PteNNNio_8 %ghas be3ӳm\_q"j "j<6kinvop1!lnigh~tkk =anC22+aE/]/nAC'*j[Nq'\ Fb Q~sUmoPw\-PhFԷ1A KA9IHn Then  Call MsgBox("You have not chosen a paymethod. Check with the guest.", vbInform@ation) Exit Sub*@End IfIf Me.state = cI Atqis poin e system wo@uld prfinal inv`oice.4t/sphing^' DeleIany remain days fromZ@y, set9dtoed (outusp"SELECT * FROM tbl RoomSWH ERE [+ID ]=" &yID";"%S:r(CurrentDb.Open@RecordI(sWhile Nvrs.EOFA`rs!DA`<= lastA Ћ di56! CqOI=.U pd@KElse{KC.` L M@oveNexH%Wend-Cl@ Case Ncan onlyusAv ify are c'a ~inCExclaNjƁS@>c0C' ̀Z ' y mayC,be@-cd ab@Gobser@|= uGrid + uFind`!QListyPr@h MFocus@ To ke`VcceiC` akeyscS/K ("+{Ser}%x")A`sg" a@:#aaN, c@s XrefreshL " vCaT cmdntAccount_Click($^&<>f!F7that=߿< A=a draf)Confirm)Book-}*c# te b @se@7(a P)|)ub P!ASW(!^HiddrbuttoctiaYd`rough e70c3|_.u`GHp.showNewQO`(Me![0x.Hw,PwlPwEW4ubASSQs.Q.AllowAdpxIIf .pIn, TruFapnboԑ 2 m ^E AQ ; )#RequeryOB!qeDB 0^ceVaQ@l0obg`abAfF(!hNameRgadJd@fsw4chP7etP1//m/'>20'$lvc SDFunA`Bc1OKum@y&0 Or IsNullatxtA)^*1)(0]Ple 2{uanish_{_Q{ k{!Load! ' Args: -p1 ex!Oq; 0 :Cw; >>0`!c; #P) Sim2= s CLng() >=;k,tAaUemporaryUiv)mZ(D `unS KEpInq*= "'0 Crea ummy puz1 ϯAAKK, KO8POKayTwK3ůT X PHrev` u c%moe & H |N?._Unl1.CanawInteger8y0xF{z F=2^*' M`be dt`8lp!~r.A ,<- record  If MsgBox("You must select a room for the guest." & C@hr(10)"Want to cancel instead?", vbYesN(o +Qtio0n) =(Th,enC<= True ' S8tayJu}m - user sBExit SubEnd I"f ' DteMY*has been updateSet rsTCurrentDb.OpenRset("!* frtbl+where "s]ID=MeF.;")GWhile No20.EOF rs.U MoveNext WenSClose v 'eck uat is meaningf`ul: fArg80 AJ|0= 0 e@_Newwith temporary6C!0(IsNull(:txtName) Or JAddress1))A;Do ywĒkeepBkB fa/W0uG CuB"idu[|ł.ID]xxls7strgn knon-l jt )Callofiin Nlea IF nB aKAfiraA linebExclamat_cCac].^_b~ l0obg`abAfF(!hNME(S<S<S<<\N0{2CD39BCC-6133-11D6-8769-000086394B13}8 NXiPxiR ip`r @%` X`ip Zip (K[%'" (&0|X H `.p    Xh"p  "  "  (xp]][ !T !T !L"t*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState where [roomID]= !T AND date=# !L"t mm-dd-yy$#;'r r ^%`.@' @!VG @"'jB There can at most be one record since roomID and date are the key  There was no guest in this room 8A8'p B@"|@k8 @B@B.DELETE * FROM tblServiceReceived WHERE roomID= !T AND date=# !L"tmm-dd-yy$ # AND stayID=  AND serviceID= P;'r r ^B@b R  INSERT INTO tblServiceReceived VALUES ( ,  !T,  P, # !L"tmm-dd-yy$#,  R);'r r ^B@bk  frmStay$  b B^ BVk8o0 !T pANo !\ pANoCAttribute VB_Name = "Form_fsubBreakfastL@ist" Bas0{2CD39BCC-6133-11D6-@8769-086394B13} |GlobalSpacIFalse dCtab"lTru Pr@edeclaId"Expose_TemplateDerivCustomizD$Optio@n Comp@ DaT  <licit P.2 Sub u pd(serviceID As Integer, quantity Vari, Cancel) Dim s Sng, rRecordse>Sta!%Longebug.Jnt M$e."A,roPomIDP5n`t!cbo7^ sASELECT * FROM tblR where [C`]=" &" AND @=#cat(!  - 1, "mm-dd-yy")#;@!Set:= CurrentDb.OpernF=(sF >= 0 AIf NoA.EOF Then BF=!s ID '1can at most be one rBV s ib C9 and4 the keyFB< 1C"Call MsgBox(""@was no guein this", vbOKOnly5C= CRUndoGExitCE*Ifrs.ClonKb 0L3INSERT INT>O\aWh'"VALUES (e@W2dEC*, a ,ac >)a6? SysCmd(acGetObjectte, accs` frmpSta!%Longebug.Jnt M$e."A,roPomIDP5n`t!cbo7^ sASELECT * FROM tblR where [C`]=" &" AND @=#cat(!  - 1, "mm-dd-yy")#;@!Set:= CurrentDb.OpernF=(sF >= 0 AIf NoA.EOF Then BF=!s ID '1can at most be one rBV s ib C9 and4 the keyFB< 1C"Call MsgBox(""@was no guein this", vbOKOnly5C= CRUndoGExitCE*Ifrs.ClonKb 0L3INSERT INT>O\aWh'"VALUES (e@W2dEC*, a ,ac >)a6? SysCmd(acGetObjectte, accs` frmp Sub&_Current() ' Happens for i nstanwhen user moves curup/down g Me.SelH`eightPaJnt.g Wpidth  LefB+ 1@.Access 2Y cA@1aE ' Debug.>nt "*<"; 'RecordB@/AE-EndAMQD!| (x bkexME(<<\<<  6X  :  <  >`  @  Bh  (% @   "H(p: L0 @ Form frmRoomGrid1`X< Happens for instance when user moves curser up/down in grid !L! (x !L! ( !L! () Access 2000 compensationF Debug.Print "gridCurrent"; Me.CurrentRecord; Me.SelLeft; Me.SelHeightoH%`r H  % @%`rhP : @H BPX Bvx B| B`x B8 B@HP"`0 >8@H D  8 H Xh p   2J( B"K[08@"P.x2D h         2J@4 modMenues: All the functions called from the menues80VOn the Stay-screen, just enter the new service data at the bottom of the service list. $JChecked-in guests only. 8$8'6i X9On the Stay-screen, select the service line and push DEL. $JChecked-in guests only. 8$8':i6On the Stay-screen, select the room line and push DEL. $J"Booked and checked-in guests only. 8$8'<i This is a manager function. $J$You don't have permission to use it.$8'>i`XAt this point the system would print a list of occupied rooms for the waiter to fill in. $J)This test version doesn't print anything. 8$8'@i ]]0P  frmStay$!Open the stay you want to cancel. 8A8zk ". "N  "N /You can only cancel booked or checked-in stays. 8A8z k %Are you sure you want to cancel stay "? $JYou cannot revoke it again. n$8 DGzj*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState where [stayID]= ";'r r ^%`.@ @!V @B@t @B@\P @B@B  )N BF B@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d- Saves the guest and the stay, calls Xrefreshih]]  frmStay$Open the stay you want to undo. 8A8zk ". "N #You can only undo checked-in stays. 8A8zk*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState where [stayID]= ";'r r ^%`.@ @!V @B@X  @)N @B@j @B@\ @B@B  )N BF B@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d- Saves the guest and the stay, calls Xrefreshi( eAttribute VB_Name = "modMenues"  ' 4: All the functions called f(rom2mn  OpB Compare Da@tabase0Explicit+HPub FV fncAddServiceLine() MsgBox("OnStay-screen, just enternew sU d at! bott`oflist." & Chr(10)"Checked-in gts only.", vbOKOTEndeo8Delo oselecaZne a@push DEL`RoomLg/E.r ly.Boo@^can*Manag:et H2This a m rYYou don't have permiss to use i#PrintBreakfastL*+fA+po@ystem would p a`/d_occupiCy!2s fofwai"ho fi inb_Crrd$Dte verdoes nyt0hing_f-Cancf{Dim cur} As Form_frm rsRecordse(t, Sng#If SysC md(acGe0tObj@jte, ac , " $ ")`+0 Th,en@ pe%Ðs y`@wan0o 'apExitHB`xIf Set=bs!@!!<> cIn >A$iWcan$ bo`Boso%!`ͥ&Aa%su& !hyID3P"?lno`t rev@n agaWYesNo!:vbNo:. 0+0s?"SELECT * FROM tblCAE whe[!ID]=";`A A:@T= Curr Db.aGU (s`While Ns.EOFFc!`DMoveNexWend#CloccKC= c36Cq-.upre G. Focu@s ' TopQk8pceiOAPkeysS@ KA ("+{y}D%x5' SRs_rJu^1,(lls Xrefr`esh vnUndo2{in_C_C _CQD_C_C_C_C_C_CTCu 5* 5&p+qL?C;CoAMjA @ @5 55e 5ay @55?`5P5a 2Ed5rs2ST-.U2no9#o9 ^ao9o9Hyo9o9o9o9)`=o9dÄ@no9k9 cInYou can only re@cord sd  guests who check_in. Undo? c @Quantit`y < 1 Z qEm be at least 1 g␩ select`?Ad type sy""pHs,YesNo Z+ Q)@vb*9n93= ȡFm_D@te(;A'"Ay6suw@. to dB this8 from e G!'s bill?`aH.refresh!)A|^ _f-Cancf{Dim cur} As Form_frm rsRecordse(t, " exME(<<<<(8%hhTHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHfLHdLHvLHxLHLH`LHbL   Ir  "  $h iD`@@ `B(@)   (8@ H`R0> T x :BH  4h B  B B (.@px Module modCommon`X] ] H] `{ The following constants also appear in cboBoxes as literals. The named constants cannot be used there without programming.]$xQ Stay states and Room states]$ %5 Special values for include stays. Sequence important]$8P(! Special values for include rooms]$hA Column number (1...) for first RoomGrid column containing a dater Must be 6 for Access 2000 for some reason. Maybe because there are 2 hidden columns that Access 2000 counts as 1.]$( Total number of date colums in RoomGrid]$n/ Last date in calendar table is today+cCalAhead]$d6 Simulated today is first date in calendar plus cToday]$(@ r 2B@i` T'"iH]]'@' @ D @ '@ D @$'B B0 B9G  B'j '$iAttr%K[ibute VB_Name = "modCommon" ' Module P O@ption pare Database0Explicit Pub frmStays(3) As Form6intIntegersim[ez' The following constants also appear in cb oBoxes liter.< nd8cannot be us@ed theiwithout programm5 .KC: cTemp0, cBook= 1TIn 2O = 3Cance l 4Repair ' }atUnd Room 72Or.Q9Any!7!pecial va$lu#foclude$ys. SequeA impor .@= 7(@FreՁ6r+sfDzFkColumB5number (1...)qr firstqB=Grie utainAxa datu@ i6Access 2H000soreason. May becatt2 hidde'sat couBs 1|ot6s]84Tot]4of){0sAS4MZCalAhead@36WLa59­alendi(oday+cۅ T1AimulKCXplus 7ub1YuFindT= `ZuServi / `YuLi= 8, XuPr`6h FuncfncOpenAscii@(s) D`oCmd. ]IE`eS#(/d $`sc Acompr`HN)R(aSng Dim i!!b`c i P0 b"Whia6 < Len(ai + 1cMid(a, i, 1If c >0" A c  " 8Hxp !  frmStay$G frmStay  2B@Bj1 Only one Stay window may be open in this versionfrmStaystayID= !X   2B@dF 2B@kox] < >G @Ajo;Attribute VB_Name = "Form_fsubStayList" " Bas0{1805097F-5866-11D6-8769-086394B13} |GlobalSpacI False dCr@eatablTru PredeclaId"Expose_Template DerivCustomizD$Option Comp@ DT  0 Then SysCmd(acGetObjectte, ac4, "frBm") <# Do.ClSaveYes' Only one A window may be open in this vers@FCNO$G$, A"9=" & CS(tr(=)A"Edit -1E@B:0BeepDnd If E#Y\Keyss(AsciiK]Dim a = vbReturnd CallLti@p!*1MexME(S<S<S<<N0{75E8DB8E-500D-11D6-8769-000086394B13}&K[   Xx%hXX   "H(p: L0 @ Form frmRoomGrid1`X< Happens for instance when user moves curser up/down in grid !L! (x !L! ( !L! () Access 2000 compensationF Debug.Print "gridCurrent"; Me.CurrentRecord; Me.SelLeft; Me.SelHeightoձAttribute VB_Name = "Form_fsubRoomGrid1"D Bas0{75E8DB8E-500D-11D6-8769-086394B13} |GlobalSpacAIFalse dCreatablTru PredeclaId"Expose_Templat@eDerivCustomizD $'  frm Option CompyK D_ HlicitP:> Sub&_Current() ' Happens for instanwhen user moves curup/down g Me.SelHeightPJ0nt.g Wi8dth  LeFfB+ 1@.Access 2, cA@1aE ' Debug.a>nt "*<" ; 'Reco|rdB@/AE-E ndAMQ8769-00008JQ-eڵ(GexME( PS<S<S<<\<<0<8<N0{168913DB-5C8B-11D6-8769-000086394B13}`|h~hhh (i i `r ii`r 0 i Pi `r Xii  i `@  ֱAttribute VB_Name = "Form_fsubRoomGrid2"D Bas0{C5299E7F-6689-11D6-8769-086394B13} |GlobalSpacAIFalse dCreatablTru PredeclaId"Expose_Templat@eDerivCustomizD $'  frm1 Option CompK D_ HlicitP:!> Sub&_Current() ' Happens for i nstanwhen user moves curup/down g Me.SelH`eightPaJnt.g Wpidth  LefB+ 1@.Access 2Y cA@1aE ' Debug.>nt "*<"; 'RecordB@/AE-EndAMQD!| (x bkexME(<<\<<  6X 'K[,` i i i i  ,8 iXiNxi  ` @2 `B @% xXir  H( ip  8 ii    ip `   i i P   ip       %     %  )@r @ ```@  8  N  B@ ip @x%  P0 ip   X  %!xXX   (0 tP "  0TT` "  ~`h:\FhHhD` "  Th@^T`x (K["  @ @ LH6  F6@6x  "L<0 p  :   " < 8 P X B ` h $p  P   ( 0 8 t@  B  .     $0 X x .  x 2@ x           D( $p r   0 @PX " `h "4(@Hhp " x<    " ( " 0T8  :  0PX "`h " <   0@H "PX` " hTp   (0 P`h "px " :  ( "08@ "HPX(`X` hx` "(0@`P `@ "HPhp*x v " H $h , 40 ,h" > 0P >X  BX,` "    " f X: ` "h p Z "   8X pZ "   " ( 0 p!!!:!! """(" @"P"X"x"" """" "" """ """" " Form frmRooms`X]] 0H`n gLeft uses the correct column number, not the +1 number erroneously used by Access2000. The code compensates.x]* Selects RoomStates for the desired periodLSELECT tblRoomState.* FROM tblRoomState WHERE)K[ (( Between #'r r  mm-dd-yyyy$# and #  mm-dd-yyyy$#);'r r ^!v"(zo((]w Selects RoomStates of the desired type. If typeID shows any room, then minRoom may be >0 meaning from this room and onWSELECT tblRoom.roomID, tblRoom.bedCount, tblRoom.type, tblRoom.price1, tblRoom.price2, 'r r+Count(qselRoomState.state) AS CountOfstate 'r rNFROM tblRoom LEFT JOIN qselRoomState ON tblRoom.roomID = qselRoomState.roomID 'r   G rWHERE tblRoom.type =  0$'rj  G rWHERE tblRoom.roomID >=  0$'rj rY GROUP BY tblRoom.roomID, tblRoom.bedCount, tblRoom.type, tblRoom.price1, tblRoom.price2 'r   G r%HAVING (Count(qselRoomState.state)=0)'rj r;'r r ^!v"(zo(]pM Cartesian product of all rooms of interest and calendar for the shown period`SELECT qselRooms.roomID, qselRooms.bedCount, qselRooms.type, qselRooms.price1, qselRooms.price2,'r FROM qselRooms, tblCalendar WHERE (( Between #'r r  mm-dd-yyyy$# and #  mm-dd-yyyy$#);'r r ^!v"(zo]@: Sets column headings for all shown dates in crosstab fsub    2B@ @: Avoid control name conflicts by renaming them to col1 ...F The dirty constant 16 is the item number of the last non-column item.col @0$ @ $#( @ @? Now give the columns the right control name and control source  @ dd-mm$ @ $#(  @ dd-mm$ @ $#( @    2B@Bo X@ Resets current grid selction to value saved at subRoomGrid_Exit  ) During open, the grid is not yet created  !!(  !!(  !!(, Access 2000 compensationkoA@) Saves selection before redoing the query !! !(A@o' frmRooms may not be open !!!Gj !X !!!   'R Access 200 compensation  !!!  ''z G$You must select a room and a period. $J%Select it from the Find Rooms window. A8ji@] Matrix to hold entire room grid]]' !!!B@ ~  !!!%' 2 ~ ~    B     ' Debug.Print rooms(c, r - 1) B 2 $$4M Include the hidden guestID and type column that don't count in the selection$The room is not free in that period. A8zkx B 2 tblRoomState ^%`.@ 2 ~ ~    B     @Bh  @) 2 $ @)T(! RoomID in hidden column 1 (1...) !X B  @)Z 2 $ $ @)Z<; Rooms with more than one bed have personCount=2 as default N @)N @B@j B 2'ifrmMessageRoom !( !B@ r !!)oHx !X ( !X !X%Departure must be after the from-date A8 !X (k !X !X (Ao !$-Enter a date as day-month-year, e.g. 25-12-02 A8*K[ 2B@  B@" B@0koHAo      O' Don't interfere with dropped down list !$G|j   !X !X G !X (jd !X (k 2B@  !X !X (k o 8 !X ( !X ! (AoP  !$-Enter a date as day-month-year, e.g. 25-12-02 A8 2B@  B@" B@0k o  Ao `      O' Don't interfere with dropped down list !$G|j   !X (d !X (k !X ! ( 2B@ k o  ! G (jAoX P !$G|j+Enter date as day-month-year, e.g. 25-12-02 A8 B@" 2B@ o  Ao  ]x A There may not be an open stay ". "N  DYou cannot book additional rooms when the guest has been checked in. $J@You can check him into the room - or make a new booking for him. A8| k B| x Which stay to check in? $J'Open a stay from the Find Guest window. pA8o  ] A There may not be an open stay ". "N  The guest is not checked in yet. $J Use check-in in the Stay window. A8|Hk@ B|( Which stay to check in? $J'Open a stay from the Find Guest window. pA8o ]h   ] ] !$ !$G|jo Date not valid, focus not changeable. Since this cmd is the default, it cannot be canceled, so it has to check Define period of interest: ! !X A Define room type of interest !  !AdF !Ak  Define period to be shown !X !X   A | !X !!frmMessageRoom& Me.subRoomGrid.Requery ' Doesn't work !! !(dF !X'| !! fsubRoomGrid1 fsubRoomGrid2 !X !X   A fsubRoomGrid2 !(dF fsubRoomGrid1 !X !X   A fsubRoomGrid1 !(k@k8 !!! '~' !'  ' !B@0 . subRoomGrid_Enter will set the grid selectiondFNo rooms match what you ask forA@kho` R!T ( R!T ( (  ( (Ao8 ` When the focus passes from the subform to another main form, the rectangular selection is lost.R No exit event occurs, but this event proc saves the selection for later resetting !!!' !!!' !!!'~ !!! ', Access 2000 compensationo  (A Sets gHeight, etc. !B@0F Access removes the selection area without warning, but this resets ito ]` Debug.Print "frmOpen" tblCalendar ^%`.@ @"Z d R(T @B@B R!T ( R!T ('K Prevents premature setting of grid selection when first control gets focusoAo When the focus is passed to another control on the+K[ form, the rectangular selection is lost. This event proc saves it for later resetting Debug.Print "subExit"; Tab; Me.subRoomGrid.Form.SelTop; Tab; Me.subRoomGrid.Form.SelHeight; Tab; Me.subRoomGrid.Form.SelLeft; Tab; Me.subRoomGrid.Form.SelWidth !!!' !!!' !!!'~ !!! ', Access 2000 compensationoP ! At least one night, please A8 (k !X ! (AoxAo`  (Ao8XAo ˷Attribute VB_Name = "Form_frmRoo ms" Bas0{168913DB-5C8B-11D6-8 769-086394B13} |@GlobalSpacFalse dCreataDblTru Predecla Id"Expo se_TemplateDerivCustomLizD$'  Option CompyI D] Flicit Dim prevFirst AsnPub gTop Long, @gWidthL efHeigh ' guses the correctlumn number, not+1 erroneously @d by Access2r(. TdAmpHens@Ns.>Sub fncSeRlSt(6Da@s Variant, Last)Cs7SngA0@@,s  s for+de$si| plod( sSELECT tb!.* FROM WHERE ( ( d,) Between #s &Bzat4, "mm-dd$-y")"# and  : );CurrentDb.QueryDefs!qBsHQ.SQL6s8 EYO[s(@typeIDPIntegvmingNYof, . I showsy r,an m=be >0 meani$ngcom`isS$on6.a ID 8.bedClou!G5.price12`.G 7"(K+sT0) ASv@ Of L?" H LEFT JOIN j ONeLD6 # )< cAn yFreekn AYBT` "K!A%"0"`;U 1> 0 >' 'F  GROUP BYG/_5Q5"W"HAV ING (w9=0>)7?m`۹lGridclCartanodu#lallbs ei@wrecalendarn`T%Msg'2gchh2,(C .SUf yVJoVU&uoVoV#h0oVyy$YoViV 2, 1N)]mothan s bed have =2 as depfaulvK$=ã.UpdcUCTru.riv!$Sub message(2Sng)̈SourceObj= "frmMc 3"lRequeryr!txtYsc·7Departure_AfterC!(GIbH?F)C %CV+ŭ @'NB\G.`cmd_Ck_/A/Bef\d/Cancel_(+㶓)E xrpQR2ay-month-year, e.g. 25-12-02otDoCmd.9 EvQUn do TFocu_'eq( _Gotu(r`}#do PkKey Down(pCoplD, ShiuG= acMask An4d f= Up Or DsDpyerfeLwiLdroppLd liE!yreTnTL ,K[ d9')?@W,S4te_8>E斡1v9QQI{();\jS qRaCOR aQ!d%|m) P& S EEm /_DD &|oD6oDoDoD1OIoDe@VDD05CϢCCCey2HCIC' CCC`C(s<C0 CC+_+P+o?z>OO311w?&b _> Fp 3 <> cAnyfR;= ;pe;Is3m) Then Exit Sub Call MsgBox("Enter d@ate asy-month-year, e.g. 25-12-02", vbExclamation)Me.UndoDoCmd.CancelEvent End{ Privi cboType_GotF`ocus(NsetSelecfAmdBook_ Click>Dim curStay As Form_frmN- Orror GoTo no_ s're mA%not bn8 op'SeJt7=7s!7If!= cInɃ You0 can9m addial r@ooms wthe guest$ hbeJchecked in." & ChrP(10)@_G"%D  hKinto A - Amak; new b ing f@ .TA1|IfC]e.cl7G_: Which ^ ,/Hin?:"Oga! fromB6FiGBKwow1QACUmdCAUinE A?C)L@His`^XG yetLH"UsecF-in L*l */BcBj-_C _C`_C_CmdJBs, Psql12Strg dVDiI`g,erc`N(IZs( FX) AXDepa@rture)' A:valid,x =angeable. Sio9`@r !default, /`E?Be` so!%qefine period of@E)zhfnc@R Hte, CHg1f •t )'txta > 0s(cAn2ya,  El|sefhI, 0e5dm" & shown Grid(I ? - @J+ cTot&s$2prevFir=*$p subE.SourceObjw <> "PlMessagje1"'Requery oesn't wxorkq=#\ 2G5y"f8 1MP~Columns(Z1b<15 @32~"W :  <  >`  @  Bh  (% @H%`r H  % @%`rhP : @H BPX Bvx B| B`x B8 B@HP"`0 >8@H D  8 H Xh p   2J( B08@"P.x2D h         2J@4 modMenues: All the functions called from the menuesH80VOn the Stay-screen, just enter the new servicForms fA`6~5CpbTE!0'`6~5C`6~5CBlob PropData-K[&(essageͬ`ŨI]i9KDetailmtxtMessage03=Babc%ghijku>@d2m45bg[`Detailm47UC`bL cj txtMessageTypeInfoD1%-+`6~5C`6~5CBlob PropData*,TypeInfoD3/`6~5C`6~5CBlob PropData.0ͬ{ŨI]i9KDetailmtxtMessage02=Bb ce ghij2kۼ<@Ariald2hbcgh MS Sans Serifm45bg[`Detailm7U`6aTb cad5UaTb cLabel1In:m7U`6ab cRkbd5Uab cLabel3Out:h1U`ab>c_i Transform Transform[Event Procedure]H Find Nextͬ̚sNi9KDetailmad Label1mbd Label3h Transform 0239=Babc e ghij&k$1v=@Breakfast list Arial"[Event Procedure]d2hbcghMS Sans Serifo2ej[p5bc` Detailp3UTypeInfoy4)93`6~5Cp0Blob PropData24`qa6b cl subBreakfastList,Form.fsubBreakfastListo5b c6denfn$"";"ddddd";"8";"8"cboDateTable/QueryqryCalendar567"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]dd/mm/yyd5]`xabcDate_Label Date:h1U2O`abc6hi cmdOK&OK"[Event Procedure]2%_ 1p|_ _ _ q& q_ _ T 1Y 82?AA.CurrR ecord/= g(Topq1ggH eightLWidth0P ANs8LefcA5 + He`/$_wi@`rg= sm6 ("NoP0what y`ask"lFϋѶ ]Re'j2PmodCom.sim1P0Wpf#0UQENullc2+0 WuopbDeaGā' Wef passes 60o aeh maA, .K["rOqular!qlost. ' peqea oc butscproc xsavt6 lr rat!*Px$./r,cg,el31Om.@dD/rA0.Acc0* 2000 ctomsbLoad!'o!e data at the bottom of the service list. $JChecked-in guests only. 8$8'6i X9On the Stay-screen, select the service line and push DEL. $JChecked-in guests only. 8$8':i6On the Stay-screen, select the room line and push DEL. $J"Booked and checked-in guests only. 8$8'<i This is a manager function. $J$You don't have permission to use it.$8'>i`XAt this point the system would print a list of occupied rooms for the waiter to fill in. $J)This test version doesn't print anything. 8$8'@i ]]0P  frmStay$!Open the stay you want to cancel. 8A8zk ". "N  "N /You can only cancel booked or checked-in stays. 8A8z k %Are you sure you want to cancel stay "? $JYou cannot revoke it again. n$8 DGzj*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState where [stayID]= ";'r r ^%`.@ @!V @B@t @B@\P @B@B  )N BF B@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d- Saves the guest and the stay, calls Xrefreshih]]  frmStay$Open the stay you want to undo. 8A8zk ". "N #You can only undo checked-in stays. 8A8zk*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState where [stayID]= ";'r r ^%`.@ @!V @B@X  @)N @B@j @B@\ @B@B  )N BF B@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d- Saves the guest and the stay, calls Xrefreshi( eAttribute VB_Name = "modMenues"  ' 4: All the functions called f(rom2mn  OpB Compare Da@tabase0Explicit+HPub FV fncAddServiceLine() MsgBox("OnStay-screen, just enternew sU d at! bott`oflist." & Chr(10)"Checked-in gts only.", vbOKOTEndeo8Delo oselecaZne a@push DEL`RoomLg/E.r ly.Boo@^can*Manag:et H2This a m rYYou don't have permiss to use i#PrintBreakfastL*+fA+po@ystem would p a`/d_occupiCy!2s fofwai"ho fi inb_Crrd$Dte verdoes nyt0hing_f-Cancf{Dim cur} As Form_frm rsRecordse(t, Sng#If SysC md(acGe0tObj@jte, ac , " $ ")`+0 Th,en@ pe%Ðs y`@wan0o 'apExitHB`xIf Set=bs!@!!<> cIn >A$iWcan$ bo`Boso%!`ͥ&Aa%su& !hyID3P"?lno`t rev@n agaWYesNo!:vbNo:. 0+0s?"SELECT * FROM tblCAE whe[!ID]=";`A A:@T= Curr Db.aGU (s`While Ns.EOFFc!`DMoveNexWend#CloccKC= c36Cq-.upre G. Focu@s ' TopQk8pceiOAPkeysS@ KA ("+{y}D%x5' SRs_rJu^1,(lls Xrefr`esh vnUndo2{in_C_C _CQD_C_C_C_C_C_CTCu 5* 5&p+qL?C;CoAMjA @ @5 55e 5ay @55?`5P5a 2Ed5rs2ST-.U2no9#o9 ^ao9o9Hyo9o9o9o9)`=o9dÄ@no9k9the gu en^ and a[ line.", vbExclamation)5Exit SubE! IfSelect Case Me!te  cTemp^}Not Form! eexME/K[(S<S<S<<N0{37F963C3-6351-11D6-8769-000086394B13}( (X  ii Hihi * Fp8 ip`r f ip %p7 " " "@ hh  " TH ` p   " <(8@ "HPh " pxbBB0x  " `HX`hp xp If IsNull( Then Me.cboDate = simDateb Me.txtRoomID = DFirst("roomid", "tblroomstate", "tblroomstate.stayid=" & Me.Parent.stayID) End IfoX      O' Don't interfere with dropped down list !t$G|j   !tX (tdp !tX (tkP 2B@ k8o0 $-Enter a date as day-month-year, e.g. 25-12-02 A8 '% 0ko !L",B@o]X !L"N GAYou can only record services for guests who are checked in. Undo?'rj !. G&The quantity must be at least 1. Undo?'rj !0G%You must select a service type. Undo?'rj rG|j r n p $8 r B@"d8'pk(o pCAre you sure you want to delete this service from the Guest's bill? n p $8 r !LB@2|k'poAttribute VB_Name = "Form_fsubStayServic es" Bas0{37F963C3-6351-11D6-8 769-086394B13} |@GlobalSpacIFalse dCreataDblTru Predecla Id"Expo se_TemplateDerivCustom izD$Option Comp@ DT  <licit P/3 Sub cboe_GotFocus( ) ' If IsNull(Me.d) Then vsim# txt@RoomIDDFirst("rid", "tdblst..@yid=" &J P4ntIDE(End If 2U6Key Down(Code As Integer, ShiftHA6>!C= acBMa0sk A= vbUp Or K ' Don't irfere with droppxd@& liseNot_S_CYExitAn  %jkC- 1E=h+JIfDoCmd.CancelEven;o!InL@$(Ne*wa5Sng, Respon`:g8(Dc(Call MsgB ox("EA4 a" ] asy-month-yeaEe.g. 25-12-02VvbEx}ma!oAfGErrBCinueA0AfterUpr a!kGrandTotal.Reque rya Before 1_Dim| s+#au <> cIn0K[You can only re@cord sd  guests who check_in. Undo? c @Quantit`y < 1 Z qEm be at least 1 g␩ select`?Ad type sy""pHs,YesNo Z+ Q)@vb*9n93= ȡFm_D@te(;A'"Ay6suw@. to dB this8 from e G!'s bill?`aH.refresh!)A|^ ijB@ 029=Babc"e g hij"k*!D6U1>@Room Selection"[Event Procedure] Arial"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]d2hbcghMS Sans Serifm45bg[o2ej[p5bcw2bc ` Detailh 1U2F`{aTbOcThicmdFind&Find room "[Event Procedure]hShow the rooms that match. Shortcut: Alt+F or Entero5]6E9`b cdTef:"";"ddddd";"";"ddddd";"8";"8"cboFromTable/QueryqryCalendar 0;567"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]*[modcommon].[simdate]"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]RFormat: day-month-year. Shortcut: Alt+E Toggle with: Shift+Arrow up or Shift+Arrow down If you don't care whether the room is free, select room type "free or not".dd/mm/yyd5]`xaYbfclblFromlFr&ee from:p3`qamb!c dsubRoomGrid"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]d5]` a`bcLabel17qryRoomGridm 7];`jaTb7cktxtWeekdayFrom݊=Choose(Weekday([cboFrom]),"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")m 7W;`ja7b7cktxtWeekdayDeptݔ=Choose(Weekday([cboDeparture]),"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")d5`qaqbceLabel26Find roomsh 1U2R`{abOcThi cmdReset&Reset criteria"[Event Procedure]VReset the search criteria. Shortcut: Alt+Rh 1U2B`;aTbncThi cmdBook&Book "[Event Procedure]Book the selected rooms onto the open stay window. Shortcut: Alt+Bh 1U2C`;abncThi cmdCheckin&Check in "[Event Procedure]Check the selected rooms onto the open stay window. Shortcut: Alt+Co05_6T`b@ cdTefhncboTypeValue List7;"Any - free or not";6;"Any free";1;"Double, bath";2;"Single, bath";3;"Double, toilet";4;"Single, toilet";5;"De luxe" 0;1441"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]Shortcut: Alt+Td5]` aTbcLabel22Room &type:m07W8M`a5bcktxtRoomGeneral Number"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]Show this room. Don't care whether free or not. Shortcut: Alt+Md5W` a5bc Label8Roo&m No.:o5_6D9`b c1K[d7efn:"";"ddddd";"";"ddddd";"8";"8"cboDepartureTable/QueryqryCalendar 0;5678Enter date as day-year-month"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure].[modCommon].[simDate]+1"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]Choose this or set "Nights". Format: day-month-year. Shortcut: Alt+D Toggle with: Shift+Arrow up or Shift+Arrow downdd/mm/yyd5_`qa7bclblDeparture&Departure:m7W8N;`abcktxtNights"[Event Procedure]1"[Event Procedure]`Set this or choose "Departure". Shortcut: Alt+Nd5W`qab6cLabel19&Nights:d5` aqbceLabel31Include" exME(<<<<(8TypeInfo7?`6~5C`6~5CBlob PropData>@ Label17mtxtWeekdayFrommtxtWeekdayDeptd Label26h cmdReseth cmdBookh cmdCheckino cboTyped Label22mtxtRoomd Label8ocboDepartured lblDeparturemtxtNightsd Label19d Label3123=Babc e ghij)k <+p=@tblServiceType Service list[Event Procedure]Ariald2e12bRcRf5bg237bchbcgh MS Sans Serifi1ghj1ghk1bcl23:bc g[m4bg[n2cdh[o2ej[p5bcr35cd zbcij MS Sans Serif{5bcJ `b FormHeaderd5]7`qaqbce name LabelServices DetachedLabel name_Labeld5W7`M aqbce price LabelPrices DetachedLabel price_Label`qDetailm7U`9a9b ce namenamem07U`x a9bce kpricepriceFixed` FormFooterͬ^UZi9KFormHeaderd name_Labelname Labeld price_Labelprice LabelDetailmnamempriceFormFooterserviceIDͬ0,Yi9KFormHead2K[erDetailmtxtNamed name_Labelname LabelmtxtAdTypeInfo!81SC`6~5Cp_cBlob /PropDataBD% 029=Babce g&hr$ijFk<"[Event Procedure]stayID=728j??@qryStayStay"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure] Arial"[Event Procedure]d2e12bRcRf5bg237bchbcghMS Sans Serifi1ghj1ghk1bcl23:bc g[m4bg[n2cdh[o2ej[p5bcr35cd zbcijMS Sans Serif{5bcJ |bc`FormHeader`  Detail{1U`Za%b4c f tabRS"[Event Procedure]|12R`a b'ctabRooms &Roomsp3`a b&csubStayRooms$Form.fsubStayRooms stayID stayIDm07C`(abcktxtTotalRoomsH=DSum("total","tblStayRooms","true")0.00;0.00;0.00d5` abtcLabel33"Total all nights:m07C`(abcktxtTotalTillNowN=IIf(IsNull(DSum("total","qryStayRoomsCT","qryStayRoomsCT.stayID=forms!frmStay!stayID")),0,DSum("total","qryStayRoomsCT","qryStayRoomsCT.stayID=forms!frmStay!stayID"))0.00;0.00;0.00d5`f abcLabel35*Total rooms till now:|12E`a b'ctabServicesS&ervicesp3`a b&csubStayServices*Form.fsubStayServices stayID stayIDm07C`0ab cktxtTotalServiceV=IIf(IsNull(DSum("total","qryStayServices","qryStayServices.stayID=forms!frmStay!stayID")),0,DSum("total","qryStayServices","qryStayServices.stayID=forms!frmStay!stayID"))0.00;0.00;0.00d5` abccLabel360Total services till now:h 12X`|abckicmdXrefresh&Xrefresh"[Event Procedure]m7U8N`abce txtNamenamed5U`qabcname Label &Namename_Labelm7]8A`abce ktxtAddress1address1Free used5U`qabcaddress1 Label&Addressaddress1_Labelm7_`abce ktxtAddress2address2,Foreigners have no ZIPm7_`abce ktxtAddress3address3m 7U8S`* abcektxtPassportpassportE.g. A3869038d5U`M abcpassport LabelPa&ssportpassport_Labelm 7U`aqbcektxtStayIDtblStay.stayIDd5U`qaqbcstay# LabelStay No.stay__Labelo05U6F`bcdefh ntxtPaymethodpaymethodValue Listh0;"Unknown";1;"Cash";2;"Visa";3;"3K[Master";4;"Company" 0;1134d5U`qabcpaymethod LabelPay &formpaymethod_Labelh 1U2B`aqbtcTicmdBook"&Book "[Event Procedure]Book rooms for the guest. Select the rooms from the Find-rooms screen. Also used for booking additional rooms.h 1U2I`abtcTi cmdCheckin Check &in "[Event Procedure]@Check in the guest. Accounting starts from then on. If the guest has not booked in advance, select rooms first. Also used if the guest wants additional rooms.h 1U2D`ambtcUi cmdPrintAccount&Draft invoice"[Event Procedure]\Print a draft invoice for the guest to review.h 1U2O`abtcTi cmdCheckoutCheck &out "[Event Procedure]Print the final invoice. Also release rooms for any additional days the guest had planned to stay.m 7U`aqbck txtState~=Choose([state],"Booked","Checked in","Checked out","Canceled")m 57U`aqbck txtSimDatedd/mm/yym07C`abcktxtGrandTotalH=[txtTotalTillNow]+[txtTotalService]0.00;0.00;0.00=[subStayRooms].[Form]![txtTotalTillNow]+[subStayServices].[Form]![txtTotalService]d5`aabo cLabel19DTotal rooms and services till now:h 1U2P`abtcUicmdPrintConfirm&Print confirm"[Event Procedure]XPrint confirmation letter about the booking.m7W`aeck phone phoneHOnly last four digits used in searchd5U`xabIcLabel37 Phone:`FormFooterTypeInfo&#10G`6~5C`6~5CBlob 7PropDataFHGdress1d address1_Labeladdress1 LabelmtxtAddress2mtxtAddress3mtxtPassportd passport_Labelpassport Labelm txtStayIDd stay__Labelstay# Labelo txtPaymethodd paymethod_Labelpaymethod LabelpsubStayRoomspsubStayServicesh cmdBookh cmdCheckinh cmdCheckoutmtxtStatemtxtSimDatemtxtGrandTotald Label19FormFootertblGuest.guestIDnameaddress1 address2!address3#passport$stayID%tblStay.guestID&paymethod'stateh )cmdXrefresh{ tabRS|!tabRooms|!tabServicesh +cmd4K[PrintConfirmh cmdPrintAccountd 1Label33d 3Label35m4txtTotalServiced 5Label36m2txtTotalTillNowm0txtTotalRoomsm6phoned 7Label3723=Babc e ghm)iwj2kE@@ tblBreakfastBreakfast listAriald2e12bRcRf5bg237bchbcgh MS Sans Serifi1ghj1ghk1bcl23:bc g[m4bg[n2cdh[o2ej[p5bcr35cd zbcij MS Sans Serif{5bcJ ` FormHeaderd5U7ab6ce roomID LabelRoom DetachedLabel roomID_Labeld5]7`abceBreakfastA Labelin rest. DetachedLabelBreakfastA_Labeld5]7`2abceBreakfastB Labelin room DetachedLabelBreakfastB_Labeld5W7`bceLabel6 Breakfast DetachedLabel`Detailm7UCbceXroomIDroomIDm7U;`bceXk BreakfastA BreakfastA[Event Procedure]6Number of serves for the room. X: nobody in the room.m7U;`3bceXk BreakfastB BreakfastB[Event Procedure]6Number of serves for the room. X: nobody in the room.` FormFooter%hhTHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHLHfLHdLHvLHxLHLH`LHbL   Ir  "  $h iD`@@ `B(@30Ls tc?pwl 68 remoarea withowadrn, 2sp (9rs13J7!# @Debug.ntbu!P @0z1MDb.("tblendare?N;`4rs!;#J dayrs.Close Me.cboFrom = modCommon.@simDat Departure! + 1gH eightH0 ' Prevents premazsetting of grid selection when first control ge;focus End Sub Priv subRoomGK_Enter()Call]tS`#Bxit(Cancel As I(ger)' WOthe H ijassed to an:o r\grm, rrangpulary!tp. Thoc saves Dit5r lur re '@Debug.n(t "E\"; Tab; 눋@.Form.TopoLeft[Width$C  2? D+ B- 1@Access 2000qmp0ensaAtxtNAs_Af@Upd@iŞIf` <TC%AoBMsgBox("At lea one nA, pAe", vbExclaĶ7AI=AIf@ CA(}~)wbcmdFind_Click _GotFuo-x!x(#TypcAn~yL _d to another control on the form, the rectangular selection is lost. This event proc saves it for later resetting Debug.Print "subExit"; Tab; Me.subRoomGrid.Form.SelTop; Tab; JR.emxME(S<S<S<<\N0{D49D3485-59EA-11D6-8769-000086394B13} JXip5K[ @%`r f"ip`h @X%`r x%HxxD "  (8H jX   fX p     6:0 pVx  " (28 .p(@ 6P H      0V8 &6DP `xp]x] !L"N K KT !P )the number of persons must be at least 1. $J You may delete the line instead. A8 B@"'p|k*SELECT * FROM tblRoomState WHERE [stayID]= !L!R AND [roomID]= !T;'r r ^%`.@ @!V @B@X !P @)Z @B@j @B@\8 @B@B ` b  !LB@^ !LB@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d  Updates the record, refreshesSGYou can only release rooms for a guest who has booked or is checked in. A8'p B@"no](]@]` !L"N K KT R!T 'h) Free the rooms from today' Delete any remaining days for the room *SELECT * FROM tblRoomState WHERE [stayID]= !L!R AND [roomID]= !T AND date> h;'r r ^%`.@ @!j'There are no remaining days to release. lA8dp @!j! days will be released. Continue? n p $8 r @!V @B@t @B@\kk @B@BSGYou can only release rooms for a guest who has booked or is checked in. A8'p|`nX v x ` b  !LB@^ !LB@0! To make frmStay receive the keys +{enter}%xA@d( Saves the guest and the stay, refreshesoMAttribute VB_Name = "Form_fsubStayRooms"D Bas0{D49D3485-59EA-11D6-8769-086394B13} |GlobalSpacAIFalse dCreatablTru PredeclaId"Expose_Templat@eDerivCustomizD$Option Comp@ DT   T x :BH  4h B  B B " & Chr(10)@"6K[You may d@+line instead.", vbExtmaV@@)Undfo &M= ~ ExitA\ End( IfsSELECT * FROM tbl@(WHERE [QyID]=3!CW.@LID6 AND [r7 ;&SetAu= CurrentDb.Op$enx(s=WhiNo!dB@8,EwCMoveNex( WenhFClou%"TObserveH (ua)LiA+ u`cehG@"Focus ' To@Dke frm+ rece@sB EkeysGS K  ("+{(er}%x")`sb g,freshe=bEŽ ]Vcan only Z$e :s @w a gue`who@ has b"k or is checl[Z~W@#'G]V| bubmµDj6l`r!Yቀ`A'A= modm@on.sima -' Free5h`+rom today='  anA1maining `c1C!3'{{{& _Gm!!"Ba>ᅦ& "@ n#z60r`no;W*&t!YSIn,NW1 bC` ٳwibP`r(hd.rntinue?]YesNo +^Q3t) Jvbp ! /PbL"U?MMQa6bO#DxXsDDDDOr Db{p D X[GriduFindX`\/]-\\ k[\a\Save\Va?|>LJ]b Q riod of@E)zhfnc@R Hte, CHg1f •t )'txta > 0s(cAn2ya,  El|sefhI, 0e5dm" & sho02=Bb cghniqj0k{`^Y?@qxtbRoomGridqxtbRoomGrid"[Event Procedure]8 h@HP LaserJet 5@w @yXX @MSUD7HP LaserJet 5%d \winspoolHP LaserJet 5\\ITPRINTSVR1\SA116HPLJ5M"[Event Procedure]d2e12bRcRf5bg237bchbcghMS Sans Serifi1ghj1ghk1bcl23:bc g[m4bg[n2cdh[o2ej[p5bcr35cd zbcijMS Sans Serif{5bcJ `bFormHeader d5U7`9a9bcRoom LabelRoomDetachedLabelRoom_Labeld5U7`Wa9bcBeds LabelBedsDetachedLabelBeds_Labeld5U7`ta9bcprice1 Label PriceDetachedLabelprice1_Labeld5U7`a9bcprice2 Labelas singleDetachedLabelprice2_Labeld5U7` a9bc20-10 Label 20-10DetachedLabelCtl20_10_Labeld5U7`> a9bc21-10 Label 21-10DetachedLabelCtl21_10_Labeld5U7`\ a9bc22-10 Label 22-10DetachedLabelCtl22_10_Labeld5U7`za9bc23-10 Label 23-10DetachedLabelCtl23_10_Labeld5U7`a9bc24-10 Label 24-10DetachedLabelCtl24_10_Labeld5U7`a9bc25-10 Label 25-10DetachedLabelCtl25_10_Labeld5U7`a9bc26-10 Label 26-10DetachedLabelCtl26_10_Labeld5U7`a9bc27-10 Label 27-10DetachedLabelCtl27_10_Label`p Detail m7U`9a9bceFRoomRoomm7U`Wa9bceIkBedsbedCountm07U`ta9bceXk Price price1 Fixedm07U`a9bcekas single price2 Fixedas_singlem7U`a8bceQk 22-12 22-12Ctl22_12OCC: Occupied - guests in the room7K[ BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7]` apbceQk 23-12 23-12Ctl23_12OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7W` a8bceQk 24-12 24-12Ctl24_12OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7]`a8bceQk 25-12 25-12Ctl25_12OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7`aqbceQk 26-12 26-12Ctl26_12OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7U`a8bceQk 27-12 27-12Ctl27_12OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7U`a9bceQk 28-12 28-12Ctl28_12OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not availablem7U`a9bceQk 29-12 29-12Ctl29_12OCC: Occupied - guests in the room BOO: Booked - nobody yet REP: Under repair - not available`FormFooterPropDataOQ`TypeInfoRa?BlobDeltan13I\U`6~5CAͬ )ʼnfi9KmFormHeaderd mRoom_LabelRoom Labeld mBeds_LabelBeds Labeld mprice1_Labelprice1 Labeld mprice2_Labelprice2 Labeld mCtl20_10_Label20-10 Labeld mCtl21_10_Label21-10 Labeld mCtl22_10_Label22-10 Labeld mCtl23_10_Label23-10 Labeld m Ctl24_10_Label24-10 Labeld m Ctl25_10_Label25-10 Labeld m Ctl26_10_Label26-10 Labeld m Ctl27_10_Label27-10 Labelm DetailmmRoommmBedsmmpricemmas_singleas singlemFormFootermroomIDmtypembedCountmprice1mprice2mmCtl22_1222-12mmCtl23_1223-12mmCtl24_1224-12mmCtl25_1225-12mmCtl26_1226-12mmCtl27_1227-12mmCtl28_1228-12mmCtl29_1229-12defghijklmnoprz{ dddddddddddd mmmmmmmmmmmm 023=Babc!ghiiz j/krN((qselGuestStays.arrival=#10/21/28K[002#))1+c?@qselGuestStaysfsubStayList8 hHP LaserJet 5@w @yBlob s&PropDataTVTypeInfo14Y`6~5CKeXX @MSUD7HP LaserJet 5%d \winspoolHP LaserJet 5\\ITPRINTSVR1\SA116HPLJ5M"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]d2e12bRcRf5bg237bchbcghMS Sans Serifi1ghj1ghk1bcl23:bc g[m4bg[n2cdh[o2ej[p5bcr35cd zbcijMS Sans Serif{5bcJ `FormHeaderd5U7bcstay# LabelStay No.DetachedLabelstay__Labeld5U7`bcname Label GuestDetachedLabelname_Labeld5U`Hb7c Label6Arrivald5U`bc Label7Roomd5U`b7c Label8 Stated5U`b7cLabel11 Phoned5U7` bcLabel15AddressDetachedLabel` Detailm7U;bcefStay stayIDm 7U`bcefk Guestnamem 7U;`bcefkArrivalarrivaldd/mm/yym 07U;`{bce fk Stateݔ=IIf([qstate] Is Null,"",Choose([qstate],"Book","","Ch.out","Canc.")) Fixedm 07U;`b0cefkRoom rooms Fixedm 7U;`becefk Phone phonem 7U` b ce3 fkAddressaddr`FormFooterͬ fXi9KFormHeaderd stay__Labelstay# Labeld name_Labelname Labeld Label6d Label7d Label8d Label11d Label15DetailFormFooterguestIDnameaddrroomsstayIDm Staym arrivalm GuestmAddressmphonem Roomm state2=Babc|e gh%i j:kV0tblStayRooms.FirstOfdateՆA@tblStayRooms"[Event Procedure] Arial"[Event Procedure]d2e12bRcRf5Blob  PropDataXZ9K[TypeInfo[BlobDeltabg237bchbcghMS Sans Serifi1ghj1ghk1bcl23:bc g[m4bg[n2cdh[o2ej[p5bcr35cd zbcijMS Sans Serif{5bcJ `FormHeaderd5U7`b=croom# LabelRoomDetachedLabelroom__Labeld5U7` bc#persons LabelPersonsDetachedLabel"Ctl_persons_Labeld5U7`,bcprice1 Label PriceDetachedLabelprice1_Labeld5U7`qbcLabel13FromDetachedLabeld5U7`b7cLabel14 NightsDetachedLabeld5U7`FbcLabel15 TotalDetachedLabelf23U5`Pbc Line20` Detailm457UC`bcetxtFirstOfDateFirstOfdatedd/mm/yym7U;` bceXktxtCountpersonCount"[Event Procedure]rIf a single person stays in a room with more beds, you may record "1" person. This gives the guest a discount. (As a default, the number of persons is the number of beds in the room.)m0457];C` b7ceuktxtPrice price Fixedm457UC`*bktxtCountOfdateCountOfdatem0457W;C`bcktxtTotal total Fixedm457U;C`bLektxtType=Format(![roomid],"00") & ", " & Choose(![roomType],"Double, bath","Single, bath","Double, toilet","Single, toilet","De luxe")f23U5`Pbc Line21`FormFooterͬ4Yi9KKFormHeaderd Kroom__Labelroom# Labeld KCtl_persons_Label#persons Labeld Kprice1_Labelprice1 Labeld KLabel13d KLabel14d KLabel15fKLine20KDetailmK txtFirstOfDatemK txtCountmK txtPricemK txtCountOfdatemK txtTotalmKtxtTypefKLine21KFormFooterKFirstOfdateKCountOfdateKroomIDKroomTypeKpersonCountKpriceKtotalKstayIDdefghijklmnoprz{ddddddfmmmmmmf2=Babc|e ghWi jkSeW^?@q15Wd^`6~5CJ/kBlob c PropData]_TypeInforyStayServices"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]"[Even:K[t Procedure] Arial"[Event Procedure]d2e12bRcRf5bg237bchbcghMS Sans Serifi1ghj1ghk1bcl23:bc g[m4bg[n2cdh[o2ej[p5bcr35cd zbcijMS Sans Serif{5bcJ `FormHeaderd5U7bcdate LabelDateDetachedLabeldate_Labeld5U7`Gbhcname LabelQty.DetachedLabelname_Labeld5U7`bccount LabelRoomDetachedLabelcount_Labeld5U7`bcprice Label PriceDetachedLabelprice_Labeld5U`FbcLabel17 Totald5U`bcLabel18Service` Detailm07U`GbceXktxtQuantityquantity Fixedm 0457];C`ibce ktxtPrice total Fixedm 0457W;C`.b7cevk price price Fixedm7U`ObTcktxtRoomID roomID6To help trace service notes=DFirst("roomid","tblroomstate","tblroomstate.stayid=forms!frmStay!stayID")tThe room number. For tracing in case of doubts. (Optional)o235U`abce3n@"";"";"";"";"";"$0.00";"10";"50"cboServiceIDserviceIDTable/Query߾SELECT tblServiceType.serviceID,, tblServiceType.price FROM tblServiceType;0;1134;5671*"SELECT tblServiceType.serviceID,, tblServiceType.price FROM tblServiceType;";"tblServiceType";"";"serviceID";"name";"PrimaryKey"o5U6E9b ef$"";"ddddd";"8";"8"cboDatedateTable/QueryqryCalendar567=fncsimdate()"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]"[Event Procedure]The date the service was received. Format: day-month-year. Toggle date: Shift+Arrow up or Shift+Arrow downdd/mm/yy`FormFooterͬc7Qci9KFormHeaderd Date_Labeldate Labeld name_Labelname Labeld count_La      !"#$%'()*+,./0123456789:;<>?@ABCDEFHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkmnopqstuvwxy{}~belcount Labeld price_Labelprice Labeld Label17d Label18Detailm txtPricem priceFormFooterquantityserviceIDtotalstayIDdateocboDatem txtQuantityroomIDm txtRoomIDo cboServiceID02=Babcce ghsijO)k Fu@ Arial"[Event Procedure]d2hbcg16;K[b`6~5CvBlob PropDataacTypeInfozhMS Sans Serifm45bg[`m Detailm7U` abctxtSimDatedd/mm/yyd5U`qab0 c Label1HCurrent date for simulation dd-mm-yyh1U` a6bciMakeCalendarMake calendar"[Event Procedure]d5U`qa6b0 c Label3݆To reset data tables, delete them and import from e.g. LargeMockup.ͬ՚sNi9KDetaild Label1h MakeCalendarmtxtSimDated Label3InitCalendar$fsubStayServicesfsubStayRoomsfsubStayList fsubRoomGrid2 fsubRoomGrid1 &fsubBreakfastList frmStayDirData`ePropDataCmdbarsm`6~5CpbTE!0h`6~5C`6~5C frmServiceListfrmRoomsfrmFindStay$frmBreakfastList AsciiTransform frmMessageRoom"frmMessageGuest 0CB0 1CB0 3CB0 4CB0 5CB0 6CB0 7CB0 8CB0 10CB0 11CB0 12CB0 13CB0 14CB0 15CB0 16CB0 Custom Popup 10!@Blob 1gkj`6~5C`6~5CBlob &2l`5C`5Cb;Remember &this window positionb;Remember &all window positions-r:  InitCalendarOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open form 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar Custom Popup 11?'k -r: Show &Breakfast listOpen form 'frmBreakfastList'Open form 'frmBreakfastList'frmBreakfastList b;&Print breakfast list=fncPrintBreakfastList() Custom Popup 2@ -r: &<K[Open service listOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open fBlob -3iqn`5C`5CBlob =l4p`5C`5Corm 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar -r: &Print service listOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open form 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar"-r:  &Add serviceOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open form 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar -r: &Delete serviceOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open form 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar -r:  &Undo deleteOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open form 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar Custom Popup 35? -r: &Open Find-guest screenOpen form 'frmFindStay' Open form frmFindStay a;&Delete room line=fncDelRoomLine() -:  &Cancel stayOpen form 'InitCalendar'=fncCancelStay() -b: U&ndo check-inOpen form 'InitCalendar'=fncUndoCheckin() Custom Popup 7 ?Blob G5our`5C`5CBlob W6t`5C`5C -b: &Open Room-selection screenOpen form 'InitCalendar' Open formfrmRooms -r: &Repair in progressOpen form 'InitCalendar' -r: &Cancel repairOpen form 'InitCalendar'"-b: &Create hotel roomOpen form 'InitCalendar'=fncRoomManagement() InitCalendar -b: &Delete hotel roomOpen form 'InitCalendar'When a room ceases to exist=fncRoomManagement() -b:  &Undo deleteOpen form 'InitCalendar'=fncRoomManagement() Custom Popup 8 Y-r:  &Open roomsOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open form 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar-r: &Repair in progressOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open for=K[m 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar-r: &Cancel repairOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open form 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar/p:macBeepRun macro 'macBeep'Run macro 'macBeep'macBeep-r:  &Add roomOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open form 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar-r:  &Delete roomOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open form 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar-r:  &Undo deleteOpen form 'InitCalendar'Open form 'InitCalendar' InitCalendar Custom Popup 9Z?k /: &Add lineRun macro 'macBeep'=fncAddServiceLine()macBeep /:DEL DeletBlob lx7swv`5C`5CBlob r8yx`5C`5Ce lineRun macro 'macBeep'=fncDelServiceLine()macBeepD HotelSysU.Ev h&RoomsCustom Popup 7 h&StaysCustom Popup 3 hService &linesCustom Popup 9 h&Breakfast listCustom Popup 11 hService &pricesCustom Popup 2 hToolsCustom Popup 10Test1:} h&RoomsCustom Popup 8"Custom Popup 10"Custom Popup 11 Custom Popup 2 Custom Popup 3 Custom Popup 7 Custom Popup 8 Custom Popup 9HotexME(S<S<S<<N0{5589E85E-5A90-11D6-8769-000086394B13} FXip x%Hxx "  8HxpOn Error Resume Nexto@8=AttributlSys TestmodCo>K[mmonmodMenues{F3}e VB_Name = "Form_frmServiceList" Bas0{5589E85E-5A90-11D6-8769-08639 4B13} |GlobalSpacIFalse dCreatablTru Pre declaId"Expose_TemplateDerivCustomizD$Option Comp@ D3T