Below is a list of complementary resources and tips that I would have benefited greatly from when I first starting using vim. It is a great text editor, but the learning curve is steep, and its usage seems almost esoteric to the newcomer.

I hope this will help you off to a better start :) I assume you have already installed vim.

Vim is not an IDE

This may not be evident from the start, especially since tons of people use vim for programming. vim is primarily a text editor which is where it really shines. However, there are tons of plugins available that provide IDE-like capabilities for vim among other things. See the section on plugins


This was something I discovered all too late, but still read through. Go to your command-line and type vimtutor. A pager should open displaying a basic introduction to using vim.

These screencasts are simply indispensable and narrated by Drew Neil in a clear and concise manner with on-screen keystrokes (using keycastr), and complementary notes below the video. They start of with the basics like navigation and modes, then turn to more advanced material like managing and using plugins, and using folds and mappings.

Drew has also authored a book called Practical Vim and does online and in-person workshops. Consider donating.

Although I personally have not seen them, Derek Wyatt also has a couple (28 of this writing) videos. They may work better for you, and do touch on topics not covered by Drew’s casts (such as coding scala in vim).

help, helpgrep and verbose

vim has builtin capabilities for displaying help regarding pretty much anything in the editor. For example, open vim and then type :help rot13 | only. You will be presented with a help page than explains how to rot13 encode text. The | only part of the command, ensures that the page is the only active window (try omitting it).

helpgrep is another useful command that greps for a pattern in all help pages, as its name implies. Try running helpgrep ?.

Finally, the verbose command will display information about a mapping, including where it was last defined which is useful for debugging if a plugin has accidentally overwritten one of your mappings.

Vim Adventure Game

A fun little adventure game created to teach people vim. Only the first part is free, but it is still a nice way to learn.

A stackexchange subsite entirely dedicated to vi, vim and other editors.


vim features tons of plugins. There is the official site and here’s another slightly fancier one. They can be a great help and usually fill in the gaps that you may be feeling are missing from vim.

Personally, I installed and learned to use plugins one at a time. Below is a list of my installed plugins during this writing, that you can start looking at.

Continuously update your .vimrc

If you don’t know where to start, vim-sensible is a good place to start. It is a barebones, sensible (hence the name) starting point that contains some mappings and settings most people would find useful. I also recommend adding the mappings below to easily open and source your .vimrc.

I constantly found awesome mappings, functions and other tricks that I added to my .vimrc as time went by. You can use the following mappings to easily open and source your .vimrc:

" Shortcut for editing the vimrc file
nnoremap <leader>vh :sp $MYVIMRC<cr>
nnoremap <leader>vv :vsp $MYVIMRC<cr>

" Shortcut to reload the vimrc file
nnoremap <leader>sv :source $MYVIMRC<cr>

Now you can simply press your <leader> key followed by the given characters to open your .vimrc in either a horizontal or vertical split and source it again without having to leave vim. Don’t worry if you don’t understand the mappings. This is a great use case for the help, helpgrep and verbose commands.

Also make an effort to make your .vimrc portable so it is easier for others to use or for yourself if you copy it to another system with a different version of vim. For example, my current default colorscheme is bubblegum-256-dark. which I set in my .vimrc like so:

    colorscheme bubblegum-256-dark

If the command was not wrapped in a try-block, it would fail on systems that did not have the colorscheme available.