// For PCPP exam January 2015 // sestoft@itu.dk * 2015-01-03 // Several versions of sequential and parallel quicksort: // A: sequential recursive // B: sequential using work a deque as a stack // To do by students: // C: single-queue multi-threaded with shared lock-based queue // D: multi-queue multi-threaded with thread-local lock-based queues and stealing // E: as D but with thread-local lock-free queues and stealing import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder; public class Quicksorts { final static int size = 1_000_000; // Number of integers to sort public static void main(String[] args) { sequentialRecursive(); singleQueueSingleThread(); // singleQueueMultiThread(8); // multiQueueMultiThread(8); // multiQueueMultiThreadCL(8); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Version A: Standard sequential quicksort using recursion private static void sequentialRecursive() { int[] arr = IntArrayUtil.randomIntArray(size); qsort(arr, 0, arr.length-1); System.out.println(IntArrayUtil.isSorted(arr)); } // Sort arr[a..b] endpoints inclusive private static void qsort(int[] arr, int a, int b) { if (a < b) { int i = a, j = b; int x = arr[(i+j) / 2]; do { while (arr[i] < x) i++; while (arr[j] > x) j--; if (i <= j) { swap(arr, i, j); i++; j--; } } while (i <= j); qsort(arr, a, j); qsort(arr, i, b); } } // Swap arr[s] and arr[t] private static void swap(int[] arr, int s, int t) { int tmp = arr[s]; arr[s] = arr[t]; arr[t] = tmp; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Version B: Single-queue single-thread setup; sequential quicksort using queue private static void singleQueueSingleThread() { SimpleDeque queue = new SimpleDeque(100000); int[] arr = IntArrayUtil.randomIntArray(size); queue.push(new SortTask(arr, 0, arr.length-1)); sqstWorker(queue); System.out.println(IntArrayUtil.isSorted(arr)); } private static void sqstWorker(Deque queue) { SortTask task; while (null != (task = queue.pop())) { final int[] arr = task.arr; final int a = task.a, b = task.b; if (a < b) { int i = a, j = b; int x = arr[(i+j) / 2]; do { while (arr[i] < x) i++; while (arr[j] > x) j--; if (i <= j) { swap(arr, i, j); i++; j--; } } while (i <= j); queue.push(new SortTask(arr, a, j)); queue.push(new SortTask(arr, i, b)); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Version C: Single-queue multi-thread setup private static void singleQueueMultiThread(final int threadCount) { int[] arr = IntArrayUtil.randomIntArray(size); // To do: ... create queue, then call sqmtWorkers(queue, threadCount) System.out.println(IntArrayUtil.isSorted(arr)); } private static void sqmtWorkers(Deque queue, int threadCount) { // To do: ... create and start threads and so on ... } // Tries to get a sorting task. If task queue is empty but some // tasks are not yet processed, yield and then try again. private static SortTask getTask(final Deque queue, LongAdder ongoing) { SortTask task; while (null == (task = queue.pop())) { if (ongoing.longValue() > 0) Thread.yield(); else return null; } return task; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Version D: Multi-queue multi-thread setup, thread-local queues private static void multiQueueMultiThread(final int threadCount) { int[] arr = IntArrayUtil.randomIntArray(size); // To do: ... create queues and so on, then call mqmtWorkers(queues, threadCount) System.out.println(IntArrayUtil.isSorted(arr)); } // Version E: Multi-queue multi-thread setup, thread-local queues private static void multiQueueMultiThreadCL(final int threadCount) { int[] arr = IntArrayUtil.randomIntArray(size); // To do: ... create queues and so on, then call mqmtWorkers(queues, threadCount) System.out.println(IntArrayUtil.isSorted(arr)); } private static void mqmtWorkers(Deque[] queues, int threadCount) { // To do: ... create and start threads and so on ... } // Tries to get a sorting task. If task queue is empty, repeatedly // try to steal, cyclically, from other threads and if that fails, // yield and then try again, while some sort tasks are not processed. private static SortTask getTask(final int myNumber, final Deque[] queues, LongAdder ongoing) { final int threadCount = queues.length; SortTask task = queues[myNumber].pop(); if (null != task) return task; else { do { // To do here: ... try to steal from other tasks' queues ... Thread.yield(); } while (ongoing.longValue() > 0); return null; } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // SortTask class, Deque interface, SimpleDeque // Represents the task of sorting arr[a..b] class SortTask { public final int[] arr; public final int a, b; public SortTask(int[] arr, int a, int b) { this.arr = arr; this.a = a; this.b = b; } } interface Deque { void push(T item); // at bottom T pop(); // from bottom T steal(); // from top } class SimpleDeque implements Deque { // The queue's items are in items[top%S...(bottom-1)%S], where S == // items.length; items[bottom%S] is where the next push will happen; // items[(bottom-1)%S] is where the next pop will happen; // items[top%S] is where the next steal will happen; the queue is // empty if top == bottom, non-empty if top < bottom, and full if // bottom - top == items.length. The top field can only increase. private long bottom = 0, top = 0; private final T[] items; public SimpleDeque(int size) { this.items = makeArray(size); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static T[] makeArray(int size) { // Java's @$#@?!! type system requires this unsafe cast return (T[])new Object[size]; } private static int index(long i, int n) { return (int)(i % (long)n); } public void push(T item) { // at bottom final long size = bottom - top; if (size == items.length) throw new RuntimeException("queue overflow"); items[index(bottom++, items.length)] = item; } public T pop() { // from bottom final long afterSize = bottom - 1 - top; if (afterSize < 0) return null; else return items[index(--bottom, items.length)]; } public T steal() { // from top final long size = bottom - top; if (size <= 0) return null; else return items[index(top++, items.length)]; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A lock-free queue simplified from Chase and Lev: Dynamic circular // work-stealing queue, SPAA 2005. We simplify it by not reallocating // the array; hence this queue may overflow. This is close in spirit // to the original ABP work-stealing queue (Arora, Blumofe, Plaxton: // Thread scheduling for multiprogrammed multiprocessors, 2000, // section 3) but in that paper an "age" tag needs to be added to the // top pointer to avoid the ABA problem (see ABP section 3.3). This // is not necessary in the Chase-Lev dequeue design, where the top // index never assumes the same value twice. // PSEUDOCODE for ChaseLevDeque class: /* class ChaseLevDeque implements Deque { long bottom = 0, top = 0; T[] items; public SimpleChaseLevDeque(int size) { this.items = makeArray(size); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static T[] makeArray(int size) { // Java's @$#@?!! type system requires this unsafe cast return (T[])new Object[size]; } private static int index(long i, int n) { return (int)(i % (long)n); } public void push(T item) { // at bottom final long b = bottom, t = top, size = b - t; if (size == items.length) throw new RuntimeException("queue overflow"); items[index(b, items.length)] = item; bottom = b+1; } public T pop() { // from bottom final long b = bottom - 1, t = top, afterSize = b - t; bottom = b; if (afterSize < 0) { // empty before call bottom = t; return null; } else { T result = items[index(b, items.length)]; if (afterSize > 0) // non-empty after call return result; else { // became empty, update both top and bottom if (!CAS(top, t, t+1)) // somebody stole result result = null; bottom = t+1; return result; } } } public T steal() { // from top final long b = bottom, t = top, size = b - t; if (size <= 0) return null; else { T result = items[index(t, items.length)]; if (CAS(top, t, t+1)) return result; else return null; } } } */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class IntArrayUtil { public static int[] randomIntArray(final int n) { int[] arr = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) arr[i] = (int) (Math.random() * n * 2); return arr; } public static void printout(final int[] arr, final int n) { for (int i=0; i < n; i++) System.out.print(arr[i] + " "); System.out.println(""); } public static boolean isSorted(final int[] arr) { for (int i=1; i arr[i]) return false; return true; } }