Class GuardedDirectedCollectionValue<T>

A read-only wrapper for a directed collection This is mainly interesting as a base of other guard classes


IEnumerable<T>, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.IFormattable, ICollectionValue<T>, IDirectedCollectionValue<T>, IDirectedEnumerable<T>, IShowable


object, GuardedEnumerable<T>, GuardedCollectionValue<T>

Base of


Event overview

CollectionChanged, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
CollectionCleared, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
ItemInserted, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
ItemRemovedAt, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
ItemsAdded, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
ItemsRemoved, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T>

Property overview

ActiveEvents, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
Count, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
CountSpeed, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
Direction ,
IsEmpty, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
ListenableEvents, Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T>

Constructor overview

GuardedDirectedCollectionValue<T>(IDirectedCollectionValue<T> directedcollection)

Method overview

All(Fun<T,bool> filter), Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
Apply(Act<T> a), Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
Backwards() ,
Choose(), Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
CopyTo(T[] a, int i), Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
Equals(object obj), Inherited from object ,
Exists(Fun<T,bool> filter), Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
Filter(Fun<T,bool> filter), Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
Finalize(), Inherited from object ,
Find(Fun<T,bool> filter, out T item), Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
FindLast(Fun<T,bool> predicate, out T item) ,
GetEnumerator(), Inherited from GuardedEnumerable<T> ,
GetHashCode(), Inherited from object ,
GetType(), Inherited from object ,
MemberwiseClone(), Inherited from object ,
Show(System.Text.StringBuilder stringbuilder, ref int rest, System.IFormatProvider formatProvider), Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
ToArray(), Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider formatProvider), Inherited from GuardedCollectionValue<T> ,
ToString(), Inherited from object

Property details

F EnumerationDirection DirectionAccess: Read-Only

Value:The enumeration direction relative to the original collection.

Forwards if same, else Backwards

Constructor details

GuardedDirectedCollectionValue<T>(IDirectedCollectionValue<T> directedcollection) Wrap a directed collection in a read-only wrapper
directedcollection:the collection to wrap

Method details

IDirectedCollectionValue<T> Backwards() Get a collection that enumerates the wrapped collection in the opposite direction
Returns:The mirrored collection
bool FindLast(Fun<T,bool> predicate, out T item)