I am a Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, where I am Head of the Technologies in Practice Research group. Between 2016 and 2022, I co-directed the ETHOS Lab.
My research interests sit at the intersection of ethics, medical anthropology and computational techniques. I have written about compliance, misdirection, capacity building, inference, committees, consolidation, integrity, conferences, data, redaction, manifestos, decay, monsters, spaceships, data workers, erasure poetry, deletion, witnessing and museums. Often, my way in to these topics is the space between ethics or morality, and formal institutions of the law and science. The projects I’ve been part of with are here. For recent publications, see here.
I was trained as a social anthropologist and STS scholar at the University of Cambridge, Harvard University and Durham University. I have held a number of competitive scholarships, including a Herschel Smith scholarship, a visiting fellowship at the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), the Caroline Miles Scholarship at the ETHOX Centre in Oxford, and the Big Data Institute Visiting Fellowship, Oxford.
My work been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK), the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK), the Wenner Gren Foundation (USA), the European Research Council (EU), the Velux Foundation (DK), the TORCH Institute, Oxford, (UK) and the Independent Research Fund (DK).
I have been lucky enough to work with Ester Fritsch (2022), John Mark Burnett, (2022) Andy Sørensen (2022) and Cæcilie Sloth Laursen (expected 2024) and Ana Caroline de Assis Nunes in their PhD projects.