Participant Observation and Collaboration in STS Ethnography: Generating Methodographic Sensibilities for Science & Technology Studies

Later this month I will be facilitating workshops for early career researchers in Berlin, aimed at supporting the writing of accounts about methods and what they do in our field sites. The organisers argue that scholars in “STS have not yet developed a strong tradition for accounting of how one of its key methods – participant observation – is shaping its generation of data”. Junior scholars have therefore been invited to submit draft essays to discuss together. John Law and Jörg Niewöhner will join the workshop and attend to how participant observation in STS practice and modes of collaboration in the field and co-laboration with other researchers working on and with the same field shape our enactments of data. Estrid Sørensen and I will facilitate a practical session for engaging with writing.

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I’ll also be taking part in a pre-workshop, linking up the 2018 theme of the ETHOSLab and work going on in Data as Relation.

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