Sensing In/Security

book cover of sensing in/securitychapter 10 gugganig and douglas-jones









My co-author, Mascha Gugganig, and I have a chapter in the new Mattering Press collection Sensing In/Security: Sensors as Transnational Security Infrastructures

Edted by Nina Klimburg-Witjes, Nikolaus Poechhacker and Geof Bowker, the book

“investigates how sensors and sensing practices enact regimes of security and insecurity. It extends long-standing concerns with infrastructuring to emergent modes of surveillance and control by exploring how digitally networked sensors shape securitisation practices”.

Mascha and I were invited to write up a chapter on Visual Vignettes, examples of which are included throughout the collection. Building on workshops we have previously held in Copenhagen and in Munich, we invite readers to use the format to generate Visual Vignettes from their own fields, and argue why the genre can be generative for subjects like sensors and security.

As it’s with Mattering Press, the whole book is open access and available as a pdf here.